
I browse house listings occasionally and “No HOA” is always touted as a big, positive selling point. I agree, which is why I bought an older house without one.

I’ve tried looking into whether HOAs actually increase property values before but could not find any studies (in the first couple of pages of a google search). The only thing I found is that they actually lower property values because up to 40% of potential buyers refuse to look at houses in an HOA, thereby lowering

So glad to finally see this is coming back in August. It seems like a full year I’ve been anticipating a release date for season 2.

It was foretold that someday something would come along to make the Super Mario Brothers movie look amazing. Rejoice brothers and sisters, that day has arrived!

It is time we stop singing any patriotic songs at sports games. No other country sings their national anthem before every single (non-international) sporting event no matter how inconsequential. God Bless America during the 7th inning stretch just plain sucks.  

I have no problem with this rule. I’ve been to dozens of minor league games, and there is nothing in particular to be gained by watching an endless extra-inning game between minor league teams. In about 100% of cases, if faced with the 11th or 12th or more inning of an MiLB game, I would leave. These games are

It’s funny.....all the adults who for years have shit upon Millenials (now adults) and other kids....complaining they’re lazy, selfish, absorbed in their phones, have no direction, don’t vote, don’t care about issues etc etc.

“...They didn’t, because we (and by “we,” I mean my age group in general) didn’t do anything, really, apart from hold hands, sing songs, and pray.

These kids are doing something—and fuck anyone who gets in their way for being brave enough to stand up, and sick enough of it all to not be told to sit down and shut up....”

Completely agreed, without caveat.

My institution missed out on a chance to participate in this, as we’re on spring break this week (and we’re a college, so our “walkout” participation would’ve been markedly different than a public K-12 school), but any educator who seeks to restrain their students from exercising


So do the Colts get a banner for this or not?

Dude... you’ve clearly been brainwashed if you think that even $29,000 a year is a decent living wage in 2017. Families struggle to survive on double that amount. Have you seen housing prices? Food? Gas? Insurance? Do you live in a bubble?

Right, because humans can only ever focus on one thing at a time.

Don’t be. This is part and parcel of what a smart commissioner does. Jeter and the owners are getting murdered in the press so Manfred will try to deflect some of that his way. Gary Bettman basically made this an artform, letting every stupid “How come you hate Canada” question come his way from all the radio hosts up

I will instruct Mr. Mitchell to get off your lawn as quickly as possible. He’s pretty quick, it should only require three steps.

Oh, I agree that he’s a monstrous piece of shit who has already done untold damage and will continue to do so as long as he’s around, which is why I thanked you for contributing to the idea that his opponent was somehow just as bad.

Thanks for electing a person that literally said he assaults women and is openly a bigot.

Thanks for supporting the nonsense idea that the two candidates were even remotely equivalent!

Seems really irresponsible for them not to explain in plain English why theyre leaving, because I can see the right wing spin machine having a field day with this.

Gee, if only there was a politician who ran in the last election who would have continued the policies of the prior administration.