
“Short, and to the left.”

I think that tact was going the wrong way. The theaters I see doing well in Atlanta are the ones that are actually stricter. They may charge more, but the experience is better over all.

I felt like, “no, I clearly just remember McGrady more fondly than Horry. I’m sure they were somewhat comparable.”
No...No they are not. McGrady was an all-star, all-NBA and a scoring champion. Horry’s Wikipedia has his accomplishments outside of his championships as “NBA second team all-rookie.”

If I’m McGrady, I’m

-Spieth’s caddie

There are many, many people in professional sports (and collegiate sports for that matter) who don’t realize that they’re in the entertainment industry and think that what they’re doing is much more important than it is. Chip my man, you would be selling insurance right now if the fans, media and advertisers who pay

“You know what? Act like you’ve birthdayed before, ok?” Kindergartners these days... bunch of Cam Newtons.

This is the kind of guy who wins $1,000 on a lottery ticket and complains about paying taxes on it.

This. For fuck’s sake, don’t we baseball fans get to revel in the return of our beloved past time after a long, cold winter without? You’d think that the media had no meaningful role in, oh, promoting a game to a level of entertainment that ensures him a million-dollar salary.

Christ. This is the uphill battle baseball has forged for itself, where concepts like 'fun' and 'excitement' are akin to root canals. Honestly, Grump McGrouchykins here is somehow or other pissed that people got hyped for the opening day of the season and made a big deal out of it? Significant life events for Hale

Ya, it’s almost like humour is subjective or something...

So well said. This is a textbook example of something that is legally correct and something that is morally/ethically incorrect. Two mistakes so many people seem make: a) they treat legally valid actions as automatically morally/ethically valid, and/or b) they think that an ethical mistake (deliberate or not) by one

And if H.B Blades chose to do that, that would be the honorable thing. I’m not saying he shouldn’t. I’m saying it’s grotesque for the organization to sue him over a sum of money it could lose a hundred times over without even noticing, and even more grotesque for you sad motherfuckers down here in the comments to stan

Sometimes cashiers do give me the wrong amount of money back. If I notice they gave me a twenty when it should have been a ten, I’ll hand it back. I don’t need to fool people out of money that doesn’t belong to me.

They absolutely should “let it slide.” It was their mistake, which they never should have asked H.B. Blades to rectify in the first place because it harmed the organization in absolutely no meaningful way. It’s the equivalent of the corner store taking you to court because the cashier gave you ... not even an extra

You're presuming I give a fuck about the rights of corporations, or agree that they should have any.

You’re not doing justice to those numbers. Yeah, you can say he should have given the money back. As if none of us would even consider keeping the money. But this is a team worth $1.6B. $40K represents 0.0025% of their value. Scaled down this is like somebody worth $50K taking somebody to court over $1.25. It’s a

Jesus, man, are you a calculator or a human being? Of course it’s grotesque. This money is the equivalent of a salt-grain-sized fragment of a single penny to the organization. It’s almost literally nothing; it’s only something as an abstraction, a line in an accounting worksheet. “Whoops,” is a perfectly fine

“H.B. Blades owes the organization some money,” and “it’s grotesque for a multibillion-dollar corporation to sue an assistant high-school football coach over what’s a ton of money to him and virtually no money at all to the corporation” can both be true at the same time, you know.

in celebration of nikola's day of birth, i drove my tesla model S to the Kwikshop and doused the roof of the coupe with premium gasoline. onlookers stood and gawked as gas poured over the car and spilled onto the lot. "guys am i doing this right? am i doing this right?" i yelled with sarcastic panic, before bouncing