
“Case closed?”

The NFL’s PR team will be faxing over a job offer.

Tom, maybe you didn’t watch the video, but the Ravens were offsides. It’s a free play, and the results count only if the Rams want them to — the Rams accepted the penalty, so nothing that happened the last play actually happened. No play, no concussion. Case closed.

This take is dumb as fucking dog shit.

Gatorade coolers everywhere take great satisfaction in this clip.

I like how they are no longer even pretending that “redskins” isn’t offensive and are now going down the “everyone else does it!” route. Good luck with that!

How did Washington’s lawyers gain access to my browser history?

I am really digging the Satanists these days. I’ve been a member of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster for years now, but I’m considering converting.

As usual.

This story is bringing out the absolute worst in anyone.

He's not reading it at all. Reading the bible is one of the surest ways to become an atheist.

I don’t know, Chris. I have both DraftKings AND ISIS at the top of my list of “Organizations I’d Like to See Rocketed into the Sun”

I think that it’s both, things got better after the civil rights movement and then got progressively worse until we come to where we are now, with the school to prison pipeline. It’s also more visible because there are cameras.

Right, does anyone think he’d have done this to a little blonde girl? It is disgusting. Prosecute him.

Before anybody defends this ass, remember he got fired for a reason. We’ve seen police officers keep their jobs despite some really bad behavior before. It’s not easy to get kicked out of the force. So clearly this was bad enough he found no support elsewhere, and the evidence was bad. So save it and just come right

If dude could bench 600, he could have picked her up in her desk and carried the whole thing out.

I love how white men that claim to live in fear of ‘government tyranny’ and believe that it is righteous to rebel against it are the first ones to insist that all black people should strictly obey every police officer like a submissive dog.