
He also didn’t floor slap... an amateur “amateur”

Utah Jazz fan?

I personally fall into a few camps; in 2013 I was all in on the NFL, I spent all day Sunday in front of the TV and the only issue I really had was that I couldn’t always find time to watch the Thursday night games. In 2013 the 49ers lost the Super Bowl in what felt like the worst way possible and I was at a party that

I believe they both have dual citizenship and I don’t think Canada would be asking them to join their olympic squad, so they are ours now.

Our current president is a reality TV star, let’s go all in and field an all-celeb mens olympic hockey team.

What are American soccer fans? I haven’t ever heard that string of words put together into a sentence before. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Paltry sum = 0.2% of annual revenue ($16,000,000 per year)
Less Paltry sum = 1% of annual revenue ($90,000,000 per year)
Stadium Tax refund sum = 4.7% of annual revenue ($428,571,428 per year)

To be truthful, brewing coffee intimidates me. I am a 1st generation coffee drinker, or at least I should say that I didn’t grow up in a coffee drinking household. My first mug of coffee (cappuccino) was at a local gas station my senior year of high school, with so many disposable single use cups of flavored syrup

It is all about when they switch their focus, Rich Hill hasn’t dedicated time to his swing since 2002 (assuming he still focused on it in college, if not than 1999), that is 15+ years of bad mechanics piling up and probably just trying to do anything to put the bat on the ball or shrink the strike zone. Any BP this

This makes me sick to my stomach, what the hell is wrong with people!?

I am one of those fans that have lost interest in the sport, if it wasn’t for 2 fantasy football leagues that I have been in for a number of years I wouldn’t know anything that was going on in the sport. I haven’t watched a full game (or full game equivalent for you Red Zone fans), outside of the Superbowl, in 4

Where are all of the goddamn “thin blue line” Facebook support pictures on this one? I haven’t heard many people supporting the office here, I wonder what could possibly be different about this body cam footage then a lot of the other cases we have seen... hmmm...?

I 100% respect Eric Reid or any other player that wants to sit/kneel during the National Anthem, I think it is a great peaceful protest that brings eyeballs to a just cause. It is a shame what the NFL owners are going to do to most of these players kneeling though, and it is a direct response to the fan outrage that

They need to stop playing this guy in the preseason, at least make his future suspensions due to on field fouls made during a game that matters.

Friday the 13th on NES used to freak me out, I wasn’t even a teen yet, so pretty young. I remember the imagery and music all left me with a feeling of unease, probably didn’t help that I had no idea how to beat the game and Jason would just pop up out of nowhere on occasion.

I bet the centerfielder would have come up gunning if that was The Freeze in early season form launching away from first base. Buxton was flying under the radar by skipping the spandex body suit.

Sit comfortably in your seat until such time...

Yea, the catcher gave him the plate, he did go slightly out of his way. 99 times out of 100 (maybe less often) will a player sliding into home take the route on the inside of the baseline. Wish Rizzo would just own it, yea I tried to knock the ball out of his hands, loophole in the somewhat newly implemented rule. I

Damn! The last thing I want to see as a Dodgers fan is Bellinger to hit in the Home Run Derby. This is his first season up in the bigs, he needs to get some rest and start prepping for the 2nd half of the season, not participate in the HR Derby and putting his swing mechanics at risk.