
$400,000, I wonder what the profit is on one of those bad boys? Also, funny that the NCAA is spending about $999 on their helmets, maybe they should be investing more in player safety :)

True story, all I could think of when that last guy score is, how dare he get excited and flex his muscles so egregiously, that clap in the vicinity of the embarrassed player? That bastard will get what’s coming to him soon, or better yet, they should stew on it until next year, then a high inside fast one ;)

Good God! Where is the link to the video source for the gif?! I’m starving dammit!

Good God! Where is the link to the video source for the gif?! I’m starving dammit!

I have a 4 person family account with Spotify already, I didn’t see a way to convert my account to save money, I emailed them to ask and haven’t heard back yet.

Kids man... All I can think is, what the hell did he think was going to happen? Learn to go left you little bastard!

cwolf20 is still too hung over from last night’s kegger to put up with your shit DUANBowe. You know the saying... bros gonna bro ;)

You mention Mormon Country but the list of names don’t seem very representative of the Mormon culture. Just wait 5 more years, then you bastards are all in for a real treat: Talmage, Mitt, Hinkley, etc.

checking in as an irritable dad, minus the law degree.

Seems like they need a safe-word, like “Muskrat”, to let other wrestlers know not to screw with a guy that is really injured.

Author take a very hard line approach to Buster’s comments but I just can’t see it as clear cut as the take of Mr. Albert. Here is where I stand; it is time to study PEDs and try to regulate them, making them safer for the average human without the benefit of personal trainers and medical experts. I say let the pro

My kids were searching for Hi-C Ecto Coolers just last week at the grocery store, I kept telling them that I didn’t think it was around anymore but a few too many episodes of Fresh Off The Boat had them dying to try it. It will be a happy day in the Beardsleyshacklebolt household :)

I know the NBA doesn’t want players interacting negatively with fans but does anyone else think that the Marcus Smart flop should be fined more heavily than this Westbrook temper flare-up? I am sure a number of fans sitting near the heckler loved hearing Westbrook tell that guy to go to hell.

Another bad habit of mine, I never think to go into Full Screen mode on my Mac, too many years of dragging my windows to fill the screen, I have to remember that there is a better way now :)

I don’t think you can uninstall Safari, I never have. I totally forgot about the Browser Tab sound control, that feature is badass and I specifically use Safari for one series of HTML files I have to check at work just because of that Tab Mute option.

Habit I guess, I am not sure. I work around a lot of software and web devs, in the past I worked as a QA Tester, I am not sure why I avoid Safari but Firefox and Chrome are the first things I install on a new computer. I haven’t really given Safari a fair shake I guess.

I have wondered about Safari a lot, I use a Mac and am mainly a Chrome and Firefox user. I think today I will go look up some Safari guides to see what I am missing

Wait just one second... maybe Stan bumped LeBron, MAYBE STAN BUMPED LEBRON! Sorry, I got all worked up there, I really thought I was onto something. Also, I would like to point out, LeBron was able to stay on his feet after this collision and didn’t even approach a ref to plead his case ;)

I thought I was a little bit crazy, but I follow this pattern every time I load my groceries onto the conveyor belt... unless my kids are with me, then I throw that shit up there as fast as possible and it is every egg and loaf of bread for itself.

The throw was good, better than anything any of us reading this could do. It wasn’t all that exciting though, big go trying to stretch a double into a triple because of an odd bounce, a throw from left center to third, a poor slide, and then one hell of a tag. Not bad, but doesn’t feel worthy of a post on a sports