
Not sure why he gets under people’s skin so much, go get it Watt, don’t waste a day. I am not a Texans fan, I don’t watch ESPN, I don’t follow Watt on Instagram, only time I see anything about him is when I come to Deadspin or when I start prepping for Fantasy Football. All of this hate for Watt is funny, we want him

The price to enjoy a movie is a real hurdle, my family of 4 to go to the Saturday Matinee showing of The Jungle Book would run me $32, and that is better than a lot of other states. $32 gets me a 1 time viewing and I have no idea if the experience will be ruined by some other patrons. Because I am a badass moneybags I

Would have been nice to just see the Giants stand up for the decision, “We won’t use the offensive term of “Redskins”, boom, that’s it. I would have respected them a lot more for standing behind the graphic instead of trying to stand on both sides of the fence.

You lost me when you stated that Arizona makes all of the crazy fall into place. Sure, Arizona is nuts, but everybody knows crazy was invented and perfected in the wonderland that is Florida.

Adam Schefter just interviewed Charlie Ward who claims that he was in the wrong place at the wrong time, in fact, he never laid a finger on Joao Carvalho. Schefter reported after the interview “All I can go by is what he said. I’ll say this; he wasn’t wavering, he was adamant, ‘I never touched this man.’ ”

swing and a miss, but you took a shot

It is more than just merch sales. How about other revenue streams, appearance deals, sponsorships, and other endorsements.

I smell another conspiracy! If John Oliver is not talented and is outing the Illuminati, Free Masons, and Bono in this clip, who could have had the juice to put him in power to begin with? Only one answer makes sense...

Yea, story time. Slow pitch softball, beer league, I am playing first base, lose track of the number of outs. Shortstop fields a grounder and fires over to me at first base, we make the 3rd out, I think it is the 2nd so I make my throw to 3B because the runner on 2nd is dogging it, and catch my 3rd baseman in the side

iOS is the biggest reason I stay with the iPhone, I only dabble with the other mobile OS’s and I feel lost every time, iOS is natural to me at this point, I don’t feel like relearning everything.

My wife does this constantly and I have long since given up arguing with her about it, she is just stubborn about it. I cringe every time I see it.

If we are going to make a crack about a bass guitar the least we could do is make sure the picture contained one, I scrolled all the way back up to the top because I thought it was a standard electric guitar, sure enough it was. I am way too fat and old to be scrolling to the top of articles all willy-nilly because of

Dude, enough with the shotgun talk, too many of my fellow Americans think that this is a funny and cute joke to make about keeping their daughters safe. Here is the thing though... keep your daughters safe by raising them right, teach them everything they need to know to make good solid decisions, have faith in your

That was the first thing I noticed on that last video, 102-100, get it right refs.

By the time the price comes down on a 16TB SSD I figure I wouldn’t have a problem filling it up. More and more 4K video, possibility of 8K after that, luckily 3D didn’t catch on. I have 4-8 TB filled up right now without trying too hard, I probably have another 1TB that isn’t even backed up right now (I am dancing

I think that is a commonly shared opinion. I would not have convicted Avery because the whole investigation was littered with the possibility, or taking it a step further, probable corruption. That doesn’t mean I am convinced he is innocent, but that is no reason for law enforcement to get away with perverting our

Around the 21 second mark you can see the officer on the right pushing the kid in the blue with some anger, it is just whatevs but I think the officer might have needed to take a bit of a chill pill.

Feels like you might be overthinking things a little bit, kind of like the “intelligent” couple in the first 2 minutes there. I always felt that the opening was a dig at all people, some people procreating without a 2nd thought, others overthinking it until it was too late, both aren’t behaving in the best way. You

How much of the shooters touch is in their head, if Maryland is used to the Under Armour ball but is is the one bizarre standout, they might more quickly transition to the ball used in other arenas, while still feeling completely comfortable when at home. So if a jump shooter comes in, takes a few dribbles, and thinks