
It's easy to rant about Roberts being terrible when you don't bring up The Kind of the Gypsies, Runaway Train, or The Pope of Greenwich village.  Hell, I'll even throw Best of the Best in there for the pathos he brought to it. Eric Roberts really is a hugely underrated talent who should have had a much better career.

Maybe, but I don't want to come off as too contemporary or people might be dissuaded.

Darryl and Evil Joe Rogen made good frenemies.

I didn't think as much that they weren't going to be doing so much talking since that's actually what the show is about more than the zombies and that's even been established by now but sometimes it seems like even when more is less then I'm surprised that the characters don't even bother to be surrogates for the

That's my point though. It would actually be a relevant joke to the show as well as a trope on the whole Star Trek "red shirt" idea.  It would have been much more relevant than, "Ha, they're scared to be racist even though the black guy is clearly a zombie and he's biting their friend."  SNL isn't very funny anymore.

I don't think that it was a matter of Rick not trusting him as it was Rick didn't see any use in him. Merle and Michonne are both soldiers. Michonne can leave a high body count without wasting ammo. Merle has a shared grudge against the Governor, is deeply tied to a valuable ally (Darryl), and is so tough he has a

Ummm, so who sings the Tom Waits songs then?  Merle?  Actually that might work.  He couldn't butcher "Downtown Train" any worse than Rodney Stewart did.

Seeing Morgon appear briefly got me thinking about the Saturday Night Live Walking Dead sketch and what a missed opportunity it was.  The premise of the sketch was that a black guy was clearly bitten by a zombie and no one wanted to call him on it because he was playing the race card.  If they wanted to satirize race

It seems like they could have just remembered soon but then I suppose it wouldn't have been as dramatic and they might have lost viewers so I guess the scene where they figured it out happened probably about as soon as it could have without there being less tension and them losing public interest. The effects were

Not that I'd be offended if anyone disagreed.

I didn't really get this episode until I figured out they were going for more of an opposite thing, but I think it might have gone better if they'd done more with what they had on hand rather than reaching so much for laughs they've already gotten but still don't have anything to prove and should just focus on making

That's too bad. Usually their music was better but sometimes it seemed like their songs weren't as good, especially when they couldn't even show up on time to play them although usually that was more Weiland but the Deleo brothers had to share the blame since they provided the music too and could have done a better

I'm surprised because usually the music in Coen brothers movies is the least opposite of what you don't expect because that makes a contrast so you know when things are important is happening, even if you don't realize it. Ostensibly.

Screw Holly McClane.  Bring back Al Powell. He was the inspirational core of the first movie and the franchise has been hollow without him.  You don't believe me, go back and watch the "I shot a kid speech" followed by the Down the Barrel of the gun camera shot after Al redeems himself by killing the last terrorist.

I'm still hoping they'll making a direct to DVD spin-off of Die Hard that stars Reginald VelJohnson and only makes passing reference to McClaine.

That would be interesting if Glenn or Herschel took them aside and planned this out. I don't think they've turned on the Prison Gang as strongly as it appears because they did acknowledge that everyone except Rick was good to them and at some point they'll realize that The Governor is asking them to kill everyone,

I just saw her at The Walking Dead touring show.  I'm 10% more attracted to her now that I've heard her speak with a British accent.

Because it's not without subtlety. You have to read between the context; the logic is both in- and ex- trinsic but only over the due course of the series rather than the season unless they go further beyond but that would just be a third level which might be interpreted as a response to the first.

It showed how close she came to stopping the menace before it assaulted team Rick. I don't see how it was an unnecessary shot. I was surprised The Governor left himself so vulnerable; I thought his hand was going to catch Andrea's wrist as she reached out with the knife. At any rate, a valuable piece of information