
I liked this movie for precisely all of the reasons everyone here is dumping on it. I don't think people understand that it's ultimately a comedy which tonally borrows from the melodrama and thriller genres. There were ridiculous elements to it—I hated the "magic trick" at the end—but I was really drawn in by the

Has SNL ever actually had Cohen on as musical guest?

How did A.A. Dowd even see the movie when it's evident from this write up that he can't go 10 seconds without licking his own genitals?

It reminded me of wrestling. You have a bad guy antagonize the audience until they are rabid to see the good guy finally put him in his place. The key is they make you wait for it. And I've got to say, it worked. It took 30 some minutes but when the hero finally slapped that little monster I was ready to leap to my


I'm more of a jackass than a racist. In fact I would categorize myself solely as a jackass. I'm just some jerk saying stuff on the internet because I found it implausible that this guy's reason for hating "D'yer Mak'er" is truly as noble as he's making it out to sound. Making his dislike for a Zepplin song into a

You just can't resist the platform can you? I don't think travelling and learning are ridiculous, but I think individuals who feel compelled pounce upon every opportunity to showcase their empathy are hilarious. I suspect that you are actually super racist, but you hate yourself for this, so you've made it your life's

What did that study abroad program do to you? Empathy is swell, but it's also okay for a stand up comedian to do an article about hating a rock song without turning into Anthony Hopkins from Amistad. I do enjoy my headphones, but doubtfully more than you love your cape—Hark Captain Tolerance, I think a movie critic

Middling band from the 70s?!?! Hall and Oates spent the 80s cranking out monster pop hits. "Maneater", "Private Eyes", "You Make My Dreams Come True," "One on One", etc… Oh, and here's a fun fact. Michael Jackson has admitted that he stole the bassline for "Billy Jean" from H&O's "Can't go for That". But it's all good

And as a result Led Zepplin was wrong to write "D'yer Mak'er" since they are basically stealing food right off Bob Marley's plate.
That's true though how white only buys white. Like how Eminem is the only hip hop artist who sells. Or how Hall and Oates absolutely buried Michael Jackson in terms of album sales.
And where

He's mad that white people will listen to white people sing like black people rather than black people singing like black people. That's one of the reasons he gave for not liking this song. It logically follows then that he doesn't believe white people should sing like black people. This is what can be extracted from

He didn't literally say that, but that's the idea he's laying out. If you want to refuse to think in the abstract because you disagree with me though, that's your prerogative.

So white people just shouldn't make that music then? White people should stick to white sounding music so that other white people have to listen to black musicians if they want to hear black sounding music? Or maybe it's racist to listen to Zepplin instead of delta blues musicians, because they sound exactly the

Because, beneath that sentiment still lies the notion that music belongs to color.

I believe in their Behind the Music they explain that it's a dialectic pronunciation of the expression "Did you make her?" As in, he's telling his buddy that the woman he spent the night with left first thing in the morning and his buddy asks, "Did you make her?" "Didya make 'er?" "D'yer mak'er?" (some British accents

He is essentially endorsing musical segregation. Although I think his issue is with white people loving black music made by white people instead of listening to the black music made by the black people (And that is most likely the saddest sentence I will type today) I presume he has mixed feelings about Thin Lizzy.

I remember the Alkaline Trio article where the singer kept complaining about how he couldn't stand "Two Princes" by the Spin Doctors because it was so "white" sounding (as opposed to the urban mall punk sound of the AT). So by that observation and the standards professed in this article, would Matt Braunger love the

Is pulling a woman into your life and tricking her into raising your child after you disappear the new standard plot development for series finales?

I would have mailed Kurt Sutter all of my Garbage Pail Kid cards if Jax would have removed his president's patch, reached out to Chibbs with it, then said "Psych" and given it to Rat instead.

Did anyone else think Officer Rapesalot looked like a young Ray Liotta?