
I'm sure it was just a fortunate accident but the look of disgust on his face when Jax tussled his hair after arriving home was pretty impressive. He actually rolled his eyes at his father's token gesture of affection. I wondered if that was coached or if it was just the young actor's disinterest in his job finally

Once the eye's out of the socket, it tends to roll a lot more.

Wait, was Thomas kidnapped when the bird murder took place? That was the impression I got, but no one seems to alarmed by the development if that is indeed what happened?
What if Rat really did do basic training with Skip and that wasn't just 'quick thinking'? Maybe they really had a history and he's deeply upset about

What did Gemma think was going to happen when she pinned Tara's death on one of Lin's soldier (who actually seemed like a really sweet guy from their brief conversation)? I hope the rest of this god awful family dies by the end of the series and Wendy and Nero take the kids somewhere safe and help them forget where

This is the saddest thing I've ever read.

"The whole situation became too ludicrously morbid, too absurdly grim to take seriously."

Ah, good point. I forget that all shows don't fly by the seat of their pants like South Park. Yeah there was the Seinfeld bit. The Simpsons also had an episode about a beached whale.

I suspect they did the whale bit in reaction to all the Blackfish outrage.


Ha, no way!?!?! I wish I was such a bad-ass that I could turn off my TV. I bet you're the strongest kid in your class.

Zeke really broke out in this episode. The exchange when his wall came down with Bob was amazing, "Are you just going to start something you're not going to finish?"

It seems like a lot of the AV Club writers think the job of the 'critic' means only 'to nitpick at an perceivable flaw' (unless the show in question is Community or Breaking Bad). One of the first lines of the review is,
"it’s one of the few reasons I can think of to recommend The Walking Dead," as though watching this

Carol didn't murder Sasha. Sasha is still alive as far as we know. Carol murdered Karen…but Carol probably didn't murder Karen. Lizzie seems to have taken Carol's pep talk about being strong to heart. Lizzie was clearly the one who dissected the animal, and as Tyrese suspects that the "surgeon" is one and the same

Sometimes the producers do a set piece that's good but mostly I don't like they show because they do the stuff they do instead of other stuff and then they talk and I always know what's going to happen but they could have had fewer episodes and I hate having to watch it even though then there's a good scene but the

But also then so why don't they just shoot all of the zombies so that they can stop worrying about them?

Wait, so I don't understand. Who are these women that the Governor likes hanging out with now and why do the keep calling him Brian (Bryan?)? And also why did Peter turn into a zombie since he wasn't bitten. Also, what has Rick been up to all this time? And why did the zombies take the supplies from that camp they

Hey, guess the Hell what. My grandfather actually is blind. Dick.

And they just suggested this on Talking Dead. It's a divergence from the comic I wouldn't mind.

I'm very interested in The Governor's progression through this episode. I see him as a man who might have been a decent human being had he not been poisoned by grief and power. He surrendered his moral compass to actualize a sense of control in Woodbury, but when he lost his upper-hand to Rick, he lashed out, killing

Every now and then I take a moment to appreciate the fact that I didn't turn out the kind of person who has to notice and be bothered by this kind of thing.