
I don't remember.  Did it actually show the Tyreese group walking out of the prison?  I'd like to believe this is the case, but there wasn't really any reason for putting on a show when Rick freaked out.  The only way this would work would be if Rick calmed down and then made this arrangement off camera before sending

"Standing naked over the Governor with a knife in her hand in the
episode’s last scene, she ponders her next move, and we try and follow
her thoughts: is she contemplating Carol’s bizarre advice? Is she
planning a ritual sacrifice to the gods, in the hopes that this might
end the zombie menace? Does she think the

It's funny cause you'd figure the guys who are still not zombies would have a harder time than before, but it's almost like it's easier for them to make a bigger deal out of which time they have to decide whether or not they think they're in the right before they decide they'll have to use force to be more persuasive

But what if just like the eye part was infected. Then wouldn't the zombie half be enough to make The Governor be immune.

I don't even get why more people on the show just don't have fake hands since that probably wouldn't even cost more to do than the zombie make-up or anything unless they went all out.

I'm also kind of not so surprised that no one hasn't not said anything about the Alabama Shakes sketch. I thought the songs sounded okay, like radio played music, but I wasn't sure what the gimmick was supposed to be, so I was confused. Could someone explain it to me? Like why did that woman sound kind of like Leon

I don't know, it was okay but I thought Waltz was much better in Inglorious Basterds and Django Unchained than he was in any of the sketches. Overall I thought both those movies were also better than the show. I thought the joke with Tippy was that it was funny that she's a dog walker since dogs can pretty much just

Rick's rejection of Tyrese and friends was so ridiculously off-putting because of the preceding scene.  Rick's talking to Herschel and they seem to mutually conclude that they need more people in their group for reinforcement.  So when we cut to Rick entering Camp Tyrese, it seems presumable that he's about to propose

I hope they make a movie or TV movie at least, just to tie up all the lose ends.

I'm familiar with the work of Mr. Ruby. I'm postulating how this would play out on a social media platform. Message boards and facebook ('like this post if you think x x is a hero') and so forth.  We live in an era where The Situation is idolized (ironically in most cases, but so be it), I can't even imagine what it

That's true, but the Dahmer things happened years after the trial after he'd been in prison for quite some time. Plus, that was before social media and reality TV. I would be willing to bet that if an inmate killed James Holmes tomorrow, we would hear the story and learn his name—one way or another. I also guarantee

I was reading a news article the other day about how James Holmes is being kept in solitary because if they put him in with the general population he would be murdered almost instantly.  I really don't care about that guy's life at all (or at least the perpetuation of it), so it got me thinking about what a

This movies going to fail.  Everyone knows that the trick to making a belabored franchise movie these days is to cram Jeremy Renner into the cast.  Apparently Bruce was too proud to do that, and he'll pay for that hubris at the box office.

I was trying to imagine how awful this guy's original music could be, so I searched a little and found out he did this:

Go cue yourself.

My favorite Black Eyed Pea is Taboo, because I do my own thing.

Cue the commentator whose sole contribution is setting off an inevitable discussion, not by taking any stance or asserting any opinion but rather by simply writing 'cue the…' as though this statement alone is inherently valuable.

I agree, but my gut instinct is still to side with the woman since I hate that line of humor so much that I thought Tosh deserved to be called out.  It didn't help that his response to her objection was "wouldn't it be funny if 5 dudes raped her right now."  No, she wasn't a victim but he tried to cast her as the

That's a really good point.  I just started doing stand-up and most of the vets go out of their way to engage the audience.  They use crowd work to pad their sets, which is totally fine, but as it makes the crowd a part of the show, it also creates a situation where the wrong personality will take this opportunity to

Daniel Tosh's bit was stupid and evidences everything wrong with comedy.  Ignorant people don't understand the machinations of comedy and think that saying something offensive is funny in and of itself, neglecting the whole social criticism aspect.  Of course, to some idiots, it is funny and that's why Daniel Tosh and