
Just looked it up and I saw he's on the new season. I was wondering who I didn't recognise under a wig... ;-)

Definitely would recommend it if you like Broadchurch. :-)

Definitely - similarly in Ireland. No one goes on dates and relationships develop (without having a discussion about it, obvs) after you both get drunk and "hook up" after a party or night at a pub on several subsequent occasions.

I would also agree with that. Obviously purely anacedotal, but I found that in America, there was much of the idea that one night stands never led to a relationship. In Ireland, I frequently slept with boyfriends on the first date and then went out for years afterwards.

OH, ok. Thanks, I was a wee bit stumped!

For me, it's his Red Riding character.... Definitely depressing as hell....

Trying to think who you mean - obviously he and Aidan Gillen co-starred in the awesome Love/Hate, but I'm blanking on a Misfits co-start from Game of Thrones?

Yeah, I can absolutely see where you're coming from, but I will admit, I'd be more sympathetic to those people if they also offered their own criticism of waves of feminism. ;-)

Kelley's a friend of mine and she's specifically speaking in the context of women's liberation campaigns in trade unions being led by women - if I recall correctly, there's a lot of baggage with that quote about "leftist" groups who proceed to ignore feminist agendas (not necessarily super relevant in an article about

Yes, because clearly YOU were the issue there. And not his views of enthusiastic consent. Eejit.

My 16 year old self cannot be more excited. My 25 year old self is a bit saddened to realise that I never actually moved to Paris, as I really, really wanted to when the second one came out...

Yeah, I get that (I'd love to see one in real life, as well!) But I also get GRRM's point that the feudal system is often romanticised in fantasy and it really is a reminder that it really was a system in which so few people had any kind of personal agency - I think it's more understandable as a reaction to a lot of

Sadly, people's reaction to Game of Thrones is a scary indicator of how they feel about current rape culture. If a guy says "no, way, Khal Drogo isn't AT ALL a rapist?" Probably tells you quite a bit about his views on marital rape in general.

I think it really does come down to - is always sexist to portray an unbelievably sexist society? Because I don't think so - I think it's amazing and inspiring to see great female characters struggling in a world where women are UNBELIEVABLY oppressed.

Yeah, he made a lot of comments about how fantasy would use the structure of nobility without the horrible implications - that feudalism meant you actually owed the noble houses your life or that they could rape without consequence. It was something he really thought was ridiculous and glamorising, so you are

I don't think anyone would argue that society in Westeros is an unbelievably misogynistic and patriarchal - but the women are shown as overcoming and working around it and as every bit as clever, flawed, evil and smart and basically human as the male characters.

Not necessarily - I'm not sure I'd have a problem with it if there were actually interesting male characters who we saw dealing with the unfair restraints the society placed on them. What it really comes down to is can you portray a sexist society without being sexist and I think you can.

Actually, as someone who works with domestic violence survivors, I find Sansa to be a really accurate reflection of the mindset (not trusting anyone, making decisions for her own safety which came seem counter-intuitive from the outside) and criticism of her reminds me a lot of the various criticism people DO make of

It's "there for him." And you are basing this on your own opinion because you think children who have a full time mother...what exactly? They're not more likely to have happy relationships, be better educated or contribute more to the community. Children in orphanages aren't shown through academic research to

By that logic, let's not deny kids candy because they want it - if 4 year olds can judge what's best for them. Parenthood isn't just about the short term and I'm fairly certain I wouldn't have been so high achieving if my mother hadn't been such a kick butt role model.