
Heh. Delaware for the win! However, I have noticed that, for whatever reason, I have noticed a lot less zoned out parenting on the tube in London than I did growing up in Delaware. But Dublin was probably worse than either of them, so definitely cultural..

On the other hand, rock on that the pharmacist both said something and tried to be considerate in case you were disclosing?

One of the best things about moving from Dublin to London. In London, that shit is enforced and if you don't get with the programme, people will politely correct you.

Southern train from London to Brighton? That happens ALL THE TIME. But even worse is if you're on one of the Gatwick stopping services, and then people cram in their massive suitcases in the empty seats...

Me as well. It's kind of reassuring to know I'm not the only person who does this...

I could see their point if you were like, "I ABSOLUTELY want kids and he does not", but "he doesn't want kids, I kind of did, but I could live without them?" So not the same thing.

I don't think that's the unpopular decision. It's all about figuring out what your dealbreakers are and it seems that you've decided that having kids isn't necessarily one for you.

I would guess the number was blocked - and regardless, all London landlines are 020, unless another Jezzie can correct me?

I really don't get the three quarter length Jack Wills sweatpants with UGGs look. And it was super popular...

Ah, there's plenty of unis with a contingent: I went to Trinity in Dublin for undergrad and Edinburgh for my masters and there was a sizeable posh contingent at both (although for obvious reasons, Irish people were far more mocking of it - we used to call them all "Team England")

It's good to hear of limited bureaucracy - I want to keep my name (although my kids likely will not) and the one worry would be travelling - particularly if my kids were using their Irish passport while I have an American one.

It totally depends on your priorities. I'm not really pushed on which name my kids choose, but I love having the same name as my sister and I'd want that sibling similarity for my kids as well.

My sister was a VISTA and said the exact same thing: the paperwork nearly killed her.

I also ate very cheaply in college - it wasn't for the money, it was because I was incredibly unhealthy, and living off crackers and cupcakes is nothing like organic veggies.

ACTUALLY apparently teenaged kids are targetted because they think they might have some kind of drugs on them (random, but I used to get searched a lot as a teenager since I only had a carry on and that's another red flag)

For me, there's something a bit questionable about a UK native taking the role. A big problem in Western Europe has been when ambassadors overly identified with their host country (rather than representing the US position) and I'd say that'd be 100 times harder in your homeland.

I'm so surprised as to how media coverage has ignored "woman in early days of pregnancy outed with serious pregnancy complications" and gone straight to "YEAH, BABY!"

I read somewhere that her book discourages vaccines? If so, I am definitely "BLEH" on her parenting views.

I know. It's like he just discovered after being Minister for Health that he has a problem with this. Right on about ULA as well - I never thought I'd find the day where I was like "Sinn Fein and ULA are SO RIGHT."

Unfortunately the Minister for Health has said they're unlikely to even begin drafting legislation until next year. It's horrible - the Irish people are upset about this, why does our government continue to ignore us?