
In happens in Britain as well, unfortunately. :-(

Seriously. I read that this morning and was like, "ah, say WHAT now?" Just watch Enda take credit for this one...

Fair enough! As someone who lives in Ireland, I'm baffled that a place so contemptuous of women (low rape conviction rates, debate over access to a woman's right to choose FOR MEDICALLY NECESSARY ABORTIONS) is rated so highly.

To be honest, I kind of love that about The View, though. The candidates come on expecting softballs and I remember McCain got ripped apart on his views on constitutional interpretations. These ladies are tough!

If you've been reading Jezebel lately, you'll notice there are a lot of Irish women who have to figure out their pregnant then save a large sum of money to access an abortion.

It's in no way illegal for them to travel for an abortion, even if they marched up to immigration officials and said they were going to Belfast for an abortion. The Bunreacht na hEireann contains a constitutional right to travel for an abortion for ROI women.

Well, only if you consider HSE hospitals to be "public abortion clinics?" They do handle emergency abortions like ectopic pregnancies, but as the C cases and Michelle Harte cases show, it's very hard to gain access to a legal abortion in Ireland.

The clinic is only going to be providing medical abortions up to 9 weeks and within the current framework (two doctors approval that there is a real and immediate risk to the life of the mother.) Between the two restrictions, it's not going to apply to a lot of women.

But this is going to apply to a TINY subset of women...

They'll still have to. Marie Stopes is only going to be offering medical abortions up to 9 weeks and will have to work within the law (approval of two physicians that the mother's life is in danger).

Then say she's wrong on the issue, because she absolutely is. But "bring me my dinner" kind of lacks nuance on that point...

Yeah, as you said, incredibly weird, seeing as there are so many British people of Asian descent...

It's probably because people can't conceive of someone actually being from Delaware (and I say that as a native Delawarean)

I don't think it's obnoxious, but it can be a bit insensitive maybe? As an immigrant, there are days where I just don't want to be reminded by everyone that yes, I was not born here, every time I meet someone new.

THIS. Seriously.

I do think it's a particular turn off if you are either a minority or in some way different. I have an accent which can be hard to pin down and I get quite uncomfortable when people corner me at parties to dissect how I say specific words! So I can imagine as Europeans, it could come off much as "you're not one of

Also, I know there is nothing more hateful to my Irish partner than Americans claiming to be Irish who have not lived in Ireland. If your grandparents came from Ireland and you were raised in America, it's SO not the same thing as growing up in Ireland.

Chris O'Dowd means the rally my friends and I are organising in Dublin for the International Day to Decriminalise Abortion on Saturday, which is actually really cool! He is indeed pro choice, which does change the meaning a bit...