Bear Brian

That’s funny, I think she looks like she’s in a trance because her hair was pulled too tight. Did she blink at all that night?

Sorry, Donny, everyone knows you would have pissed your pants and cried like a frightened toddler. Who the fuck are you kidding?! WE KNOW YOU, ASSHOLE.

You know he’ll cry like a little girl. Even more so when he discovers his father won’t be there to save him.

Never give them an excuse to say we’re behaving worse than they are. Though to be fair, they’ve been shitting on us for more than a year.

I’m so fucking sick of this corrupt family. Here’s hoping Jr and Jared are next in Mueller’s crosshairs. That would be beautiful. Dance party in front of Trump Tower, everybody?

Can you offer where you’ve gotten this info? Nicole Wallace, who served as WH communications director under GWB, has been calling bullshit on the amount of time it’s been taking for Jared and Ivanka to get their clearances. She’s been through the experience and says that the people closest to the president are given

I so fucking can’t wait for the Pretty Pretty Princess Era to be over. Trump Barbie has GOT to go.

I came here for this also. What is Donatella thinking?

He should have done that four months ago, after Las Vegas; it’s also legislation the NRA said they wouldn’t oppose. This is such an empty gesture it’s fucking ridiculous.

Skating scoring still seems completely fucked up. And Johnny Weir agrees with me! “Tom Brady doesn’t get the same credit if Gronk doesn’t catch the ball.” Exactly! The thinking that you’re scored better for attempting a quad you don’t complete, vs no quads but skating a clean program of just triples, seems messed up

Just like Harvey and harassment, please please please let this be the moment of change. These kids are not fucking around. We should all be as loud and strident as they are, and NEVER LET UP.

Depression sucks. But at least you’re rested? It’s 5 pm and I’m dying of exhaustion, but I want to push through so I maybe won’t be awake at 3 am. I’ve always been an insomniac, but Trump hate has really exacerbated the problem. I’ll be so happy when he’s dead of the coronary that’s surely due him. Really.

I don’t sleep. I am angry all the freaking time. Not just because that orange scumbag in the Oval keeps getting away with just raping our country, gleefully, but people I love voted for him, and more than a year in, they’re still Trump zombies, fine with everything he’s done. I feel like I’d have an easier time

I’d like to proffer two more theories: 3) that as a whole we’re sick of comic-book films and are just that desperate for alternative programming; and 4) that women’s films continue to be woefully underserved, and this is our only option for something that doesn’t fall into the category in reason #3.

We will never get rid of Trump as long as idiocy like this is allowed to continue. This is what we get during the two-week Olympics break from “We talked to a Trump supporter, and here’s why he/she/it thinks he’s not so bad.” Enough already.

He’s such a fucking idiot. Every day, after another barrage of his fuckups, I say to myself, It’s never going to get better than today. And it never does. And now the stock market he crowed over is starting to correct. What will he have then? Nothing.

I never sleep. I’m angry all the time.

Nobody’s actually buying her bullshit, are they? Other than Ross from the Tonight Show, that is? Her “you’ll bow to Trump” crap was the last straw for me. Sorry, honey, not buying it; zero redemption. Go away.

Prince’s halftime show was the best halftime show of all time, full fucking stop.

Barack Obama proves every day that he is a gentleman and was raised well. The orange gasbag, on the other hand ...