Bear Brian

I can name at least 10 things she’s worn that have been utterly ridiculous. But I’m sensing you don’t agree? Whatever.

I know we’re not supposed to attack Melania, it isn’t fair, she didn’t choose it, blah blah blah, but I gotta say, her fashion game has been woefully unimpressive, and often deep in victim territory.

Right there with you.

It’s so cliche at this point, but I miss him so, so, so much. His kindness. His wisdom. His calm.

I work in the profession she shits on every single day while she regurgitates the lies of a guy who wouldn’t hesitate to say horrible things about my looks if I dared to challenge him. Today she supported his awful comments about Kirsten Gillibrand. Sanders is just as low as her boss, and I have zero problem stooping

Not going to apologize or feel bad about it. She’s a shitty person who lies and evades for a living, and gleefully so. Why be kind to someone like that?

SHS is an odious human being who was once told by her boss (Mooch) that she needed a makeup artist to succeed in her job. She lies and evades for a living, willingly. If she had a soul, she would have quit long ago, as many in this awful administration already have done.

I was at a swanky dinner in New York tonight, and the entire table was enthralled by one guest, who spent the weekend in Palm Beach and went to Mar-a-Lago. He said Trump worked the dining room like some goombah who owns an Italian restaurant, but the best part was, the reception for that orange piece of shit was

I’m kind of hoping that Rex does quit, and while doing so calls Vlad and says, “Listen, Trump is a fucking nutbag, and we aren’t going to get what we want after all because zero people trust him, so release the pee tape.”

That stupid magazine tried to be Golf + Maxim; women were merely props. Hope that answers your question.

I reported him on Twitter. They’ll probably do nothing, but made me feel better to at least make them look at what a fucking asshole he is.

That Maximum Golf EIC, Michael Caruso, is now the EIC of Smithsonian Magazine. In the current issue: a fawning history of Mar-a-Lago. I wish I were making that up.

She’s been told to wear all that to make herself look more attractive on TV, because Trump watches and wishes he had someone prettier representing him, so this is how they attempt to resolve that.

So, so true.

Eighteen months, and they said they managed to spend the first six months without the press finding out. And he said in their interview that their third date was camping for like five days in Botswana, where it was just the two of them. That is a LOT of get-to-know-you time, especially roughing it like that. Evidently

I remember how Andrew and Fergie’s wedding didn’t have quite the pomp of Charles and Diana’s, so they will find a way. Number of guests, location, etc.

Trump wants nothing more on this earth than to ride in that golden carriage as part of an official state visit. Props to Queen E & Co. for so subtly telling him he can go fuck himself.

Every fashion and beauty industry person in New York has cornered the market on the news that the divorce papers were signed - and then Drumpf won. She was out the door. They had to make a new deal to get her to stay. I hope he paid through the nose, and you know sex is off the table permanently. Though if she wanted

Can’t help but wonder when it’s going to be Olbermann’s time in the box. Have always admired him, but yeah, I read the ESPN book.

Yeah, the timing also smells incredibly suspicious. That said, Franken has bragged about his devotion to USO shows for a while. I’m disappointed in him that he did it, and also that he should have remembered such a photo was taken and been forward-thinking enough to release it himself.