Bear Brian

Former model who became friends with Ivanka. That’s what “qualified” means in this administration.

Wait, William is the one who pilots helicopters. Did we know Harry does this as well? Didn’t think so ...

I work in this neighborhood and have to walk by Trump Tower a few times a week. There are always people there now gawking and taking selfies. I try not to walk by so much, because seeing their worship depresses the crap out of me. I also chastise myself for not having the courage to spit on the building as I pass.

Let’s be very clear: The Trump Org tried to dick around the Secret Service on how much rent they should pay, but you just know they’re cutting Ivanka a massive deal on the rent for her store. That’s all you need to know about this grifter family’s priorities.

As much as I think Carney is a ridiculous asshole, I love that this is Anna Wintour’s silent Fuck You to Trump. She was a huge Hillary supporter, and hates his guts. There is a message there, it’s just not the one Carney thinks.

So he follows up his woman hate by using a gay slur and a horrible “joke” about Jewish people? Prince of a guy. If he repped me I’d be looking for new management.

Also, didn’t it look ridiculously small for a Fantasy Suite? Anything deemed a “suite” I expect to just go on and on, but this looked like a “cozy” (read small) Airbnb ...

No matter where ABC goes, they have to tart up the proposal site.

I’m just saying I wouldn’t be surprised. Entitled asshole jogging through London does something horrible? Ticks all the boxes for me.

That proposal in hurricane conditions was ridiculously bad. Can’t ABC get something written into the contracts with these locations about finding an alternate site if the first preference is going to do neither the production nor the location any favors? I get the romance of the whole “top of a castle and bells start

What are the odds he’s an American tourist? “Pretty high” is going to be my answer. Hope they’re able to use CCTV to trace him back to his hotel.

Thank you for being one of the more reasonable, sane people to reply. And thanks for the clarification.

Lovely name-calling. Sounds like you live up to the best in internet commenters yourself.

Lol, anyone who think Trump “deserves” his star, that’s all I need to know.

Walk of Fame stars have for years purely been a marketing ploy - that’s why so many are awarded when the celeb has a project coming out (as in Pratt’s case, right before Guardians 2 was released). The fee is literally built into a film or TV show’s marketing budget. Trump has one, for Christ sake, “awarded” to him

Oh, crap, really? He’s a Trump supporter? Ugh.

So if you believe blind items, he cheated on Anna with Jennifer Lawrence during Passengers, and she kicked him out of the house. When examining how the relationship changes when career arcs shift, definitely include the propensity for cheating by the one whose star is rising ...

Why should that matter? Honestly?

They get top dollar for virgins. I was going to make a smarmy joke about whether you’ve ever watched any of the Taken films, but it’s so not a joke. These assholes put a premium on young, “unused” girls.

I saw this a couple of months ago and was nothing but confused. The last place I want to work out, to any degree, is Saks. And I’m likely not alone, because when I walked through, the place was empty. If people want something like what Saks thinks they’re conjuring up, they go to a spa - a plush, private spa, not the