Bear Brian

I went looking for her social media just to see how much of an “influencer” she really is. @Neelykins (eyeroll) has 31.5k followers on Instagram, 15k followers on Twitter. Is this really huge? Doesn’t seem that huge to me; hell, I have three times the Twitter followers that she does. (The only business I’d like to

She’s probably a completely lovely person and a highly talented chef (she would have to be to score that gig), but I do enjoy picturing her spitting on every Trump meal seconds before it leaves the kitchen.

Someone mentioned on Twitter that if you read between the lines, it sounds like Kushner threw Trump under the bus on this one. Which makes total sense, because Kushner just seems like the kind of whiny asshole to take “not my fault!” to new levels.

A friend of mine who was born in Venezuela but who now lives in the US was telling me what a shitshow it is there. And most frighteningly, the guy who’s “in charge” sounds way too much like Trump and is trying to get the country’s Constitution changed. People need to pay more attention to that story, not only because

Can’t you just hear the advice from Drumpf? “Pick an Eastern European chick; they’re much more subservient, and you can always threaten them with deportation, so they’ll do what they’re told. Oh, and be sure to write a weight clause into the pre-nup.”

The wife divorcing him is also Wife #2 - because he’s just like his hero with his twisted need to prove his manhood, let’s take bets on how soon before he’s working toward Wife #3 ...

The hotels still have their rates pumped up at fight-weekend prices. Wynn and Encore at $559 and $599, respectively, on, and as usual everyone else falls underneath those two properties (by comparison, for a major convention like CES in January, they’d be running slightly higher rates and a month before

Actually Scaramucci’s nickname for Reince was allegedly “Rancid Penis,” because “the Mooch” is precisely that mature.

So she’s the Ivanka Trump of “journalism”? Great.

Nope. Call it Trumpcare every chance you get. Make him and them choke on it.

A reminder that these fuckers had seven years to figure out a replacement, with the best minds in the world at their disposal and willing to work with them, and the best they came up with is, “Fuck millions of poor and sick and elderly people, our goal is tax cuts for our wealthy cronies and to pay back all that sweet

I’m so appalled by the massive irony and hypocrisy of this. He’s walking in the same shoes as millions of people who will suffer because of the cruelty of this bill. And yet.

I hate our country now.

I will watch Deceived with Heard and Goldie Hawn anytime it’s on - Rest In Peace, good sir.

ETA that I meant to write “unemployment figures” ...

This is such bullshit. Plenty of people in Palm Beach County available to fill those jobs. I honestly think he wants foreign workers because they work under constant threat not only of losing their job, but also of being sent back home, so they’re extra-subservient.

Retail is already in the toilet and automakers are expecting a downturn in sales; within 12 months, especially if it’s a bad holiday season, employment figures are going to start to creep up again. And here’s the thing: I wouldn’t put it past Trump to cook the books and lie about those figures. He’s that corrupt.

Wouldn’t be surprising. I also love the idea that Mueller likely has already pulled all of Trump’s tax returns, and that alone is freaking him out. And there’s nothing he can do about it. Even if he fires Mueller, someone will still be handed all that paperwork.

You seem pretty intent on pushing this narrative. Troll, perhaps?

All our hopes indeed rest on Schneiderman right now.