Bear Brian

If you believe the stories just tonight, one of his lawyers quit and one was fired. What a shitshow.

When are we going to be rid of this motherfucker?

I binge-watched this over the weekend and now am mad that I can’t have those four hours back. I wanted to stop about three episodes in but figured I would see it through to the end. It was not a good plan.

Two theories: Kelly is secretly pissed, or they’re giving her a producer credit to shut her up.

Yikes. Whole family has a plastic surgeon and a dentist both on speed-dial.

The whole grifter family should rot in misery for what they’re doing to our country and our nerves.

Actually, RBG was quite the dish when she was younger, as the kids used to say:

As someone who likewise applied and had an almost identical experience, I applaud this post.

Don’t be. It happens. I have a giant Schmidt crush and know he was in that film, that’s why it leaped out at me ...

All this time I’ve thought our government possessed enough failsafes and checks and balances so a grifter family like Trump couldn’t happen. And here we are. Fuck these awful people.

If he just starts issuing pardons, we’re going to storm the White House, right? Because this King Orangeface shit just can’t continue.

Not Winston. Schmidt.

My cousin was born with a heart defect and spent the first couple of months of his life in the NICU; HOW DOES MY AUNT NOT REMEMBER THIS?!?! It’s truly mystifying, like they’re all fucking pod people or something.

Seriously? Awesome. Such good news.

I find it so hard to believe that all those Trump-loving ‘Muricans (and I’m fucking related to some of them) who believe so passionately about “Made in the USA” (which, hello, I believe in as well) continue to be so willfully blind to her bullshit. Seriously I think sometimes my head is just going to explode over it.

Here’s the thing. I think Ivanka Trump is an utter phony and a c**t. Her pretty-princess vibe utterly disgusts me. But if you think Michael Kors, Ralph Lauren’s lower-priced lines, and more than half the clothes in your typical Macy’s aren’t doing the same thing, you’re crazy.

This post made me miss Midweek Madness - why did you guys kill that?

Fuck, I actually just started crying reading this.

This is what I wonder as well. Who sent this to The NY Times? I can see Bannon being sleazy enough to do it. He prob figured out Jared’s email password, which of course has to be Ivanka1234.

This may have been Junior’s first rodeo, but it wasn’t Manafort’s. Far from it. These fuckers are complicit and guilty, and we need this to be fucking done already.