Bear Brian

This is amazing, thank you. Love how Brooks is getting trolled over that idiotic column today.

I don’t disagree. I just loathe all of them so much. Especially how they flaunt their corruption, and basically laugh at us while doing it.

So all this time I’ve been thinking Affleck screwed up his marriage by cheating on Jenn with Emily Rata-whatever from Gone Girl. At what point did Shookus enter the picture? The timelines sort of mash together.

Especially after it’s owned by one of Trump’s cronies. People already sucks, but after the guy who owns the National Enquirer and Us Weekly buys it? Jesus.

The right said horrible things about Chelsea from the first moment - seriously horrible things about her looks, and it’s amazing she grew into the sensible, smart woman she is - so fuck coddling Barron.

This. Marla got pregnant to force the issue, and the right conveniently forgets that he tried to make her “take care of it.” And Melania did it to cash out. I believe she loves her son completely, but that wasn’t the early motivation. Those Eastern European girls know the angles. And let’s not forget, she was set to

In other words, a Florida wedding?

Ever hear the saying, “Wheels up, rings off”? Why are we shocked that this guy would subscribe to that?

Hope he’s already brought in some serious modeling coin, because if their residence is California, then half of it is hers.

Honest question: Did she know he was married? I had no clue he was married until this story started to surface. I just thought of him as hot criminal dude, zero knowledge of marital status. But I also barely read past headlines because, while I can appreciate that he’s handsome, he just doesn’t do it for me. Plus the

Seriously, there were eight or 10 perfectly good tables right behind us that she could have put her baby’s bare ass on; why right the hell next to me?!?

The more I think about it, the more I’m realizing someone (who works there) should’ve said something to her. I’m never going back there. Because if they’re OK with that, what else are they OK with?

Another reason to travel everywhere - even your best friend’s house - with alcohol wipes.

Omigod that sounds awful. How have I never heard of this?!

These are prob the same type of parents who will post FB images of their kid on the portable potty - “Hey, look, Dresden is learning how to use a toilet!”

The table had not been set up for dinner service yet, because it was between lunch and dinner, so there wasn’t a stitch of anything on it. But the entire time I was there, I didn’t see anyone wipe it down after mom and kid did their business. And, pun intended, I didn’t want to make a big stink about it. All I had

I don’t even know whose customer she was. She just appeared out of nowhere to change her kid three feet away from me. So much yuck. But the server I locked eyes with totally could have been like, “Not my customer, not my problem.”

“A View to a Butthole” sounds like porn based on a bad James Bond plot.

Changing the kid on the tray table is also NOT OKAY. I’ve become one of those people who takes out alcohol wipes the second I sit down at an airplane seat, for this reason, and wipes down every goddamn inch of everything, and I do not care if people look at me like I’m batshit-crazy.

I was away from the crowd but near the servers’ station - two of them walked back and forth while it was happening, and I know one of them was aware, because I kind of looked at him like, “Um?” and I know he looked in that direction. And admittedly I didn’t want to say anything because I didn’t want to look like the