Bear Brian

I think I was just shocked by it, honestly. Have never seen this done before, but based on other comments, more common(ish) than I thought?

Exactly. And never going back there again. Because employees were nearby and said nothing. Will never forget it.

Again, a bathroom downstairs, though I do not know if it had a changing table. But not that she bothered to check it out, either.

Thank you. Honestly, I never know what to think of Jez these days. I submitted this comment totally thinking I might get attacked by overstressed moms telling me to shut the fuck up bc Motherhood is HARD. Which I don’t deny, but you get my meaning, and again, just thought this woman’s action was so gross and over the

The server was standing like three feet from me, could not have missed it.

I’ve never even heard of that. Consider myself lucky, I guess?

I was in a restaurant yesterday, just wanted to relax and look at my email, had ordered and was chilling out at a table that I had chosen that was admittedly away from the rest of the crowd - and a woman walked to the back of the restaurant and decided to use the table smack next to me to change her kid’s diaper. No

When my best friend’s father-in-law passed, the mother-in-law had a boyfriend and was going on cruises within six months. It was quite the scandal in the family.

Did I say that? I don’t think I even remotely said that. And PS do you know that for certain? I don’t think you do.

Definitely see your point about men moving on faster bc they don’t like to be alone. I’ve seen that in divorces tons of times. But I also think about my grandparents, both of whom I worshipped, and admittedly they’re multiple generations ago from most of this audience, but: My grandmother unfortunately passed 20 years

Any conservative/traditional opinion expressed here lately makes people think you voted for Trump, so.

It wasn’t a long, drawn-out illness where that was discussed. She had an aneurysm or something and died in her sleep in the middle of the night.

I was going to say that I feel bad saying it, but it seems very ... quick. Thanks for not making me feel alone in that.

They don’t call them Conde Nasties for nothing.

Your level of wrongness about that statement is only exceeded by your passion for making a snap judgment. Have a great day!

Lol, right. Thanks for the judgment! You want to die on that rock, that’s up to you, but the “freedom” to post nudes is a pretty dumb rock to die on, especially these days.

Maybe it’s explained in the program, but in this photo, everyone seems pretty casual. Is this supposed to represent captivity already? There was never an opportunity for her to say to someone, “Send a telegram to my husband and let him know I’m alive”?

Lol, OK. Next time you want to be foolish, take a bunch of money out of the ATM and just leave it someplace you think might be safe, but actually where someone can easily take it from you. It’s basically the same thing.

While I agree that it’s not cool for this guy to make the Chipotle person do all this extra work - and man, the recycling aspect, yikes - I’m also thinking that if I were behind this guy in line, I would despise him. Chipotle lines can be brutal at peak times; be kind and keep it moving, thanks.

Right. Because that’s the same. Eyeroll.