Bear Brian

Because there are awful people in the world and we should be more cautious?

That’s funny, he has a store on a super posh street in Paris, and every time I pass it, I think, “Why?”

Fashion people like to think that we’d all embrace weird shit mind Margiela and Viktor & Rolf, and while they’re cool to look at in much the same way you’d look at a sculpture in a museum and say, “huh,” that same fashion industry refuses to acknowledge that 99.999999999 percent of us would look like idiots in those

Exactly. They tell paparazzi when they’re going to be exiting a store or something so they’ll show up and take photos. Such a fucking vicious circle.

Wow, you really want to troll me, don’t you. Congrats to you.

Oh, give me a fucking break. Nobody should take nudes. It really is that simple. Man or woman, don’t be a fucking idiot and take nudes on your phone, bc it’s too easy to hack. Case closed.

Actually, no. I think JLaw - or anyone for that matter - is a fucking idiot for taking nudes with their phone. Doesn’t matter who you are, your race, whatever. I was taught, if you don’t want your grandma or your grandpa to see it, don’t do it. You might think your phone is private, but we have countless examples now

We only make it worse by giving them attention at all. Such fucking losers.

I just don’t know why we find this so fascinating. I read the back and forth between these two (haven’t looked at or for the photos and do not want to), and I can only think: Wow, what trailer trash. And we put them on a pedestal as celebrities. The internet has fucking ruined everything.

My dad has said something awful to me a couple of times, and I’ve excused it because of his illness, and because I know that my darling dad, when healthy, would have never dreamed of saying those things to me. But Trump is different - this no-filter, poorly educated person has always been this way. Go back to first

Thank you. People want to find a reason for this. And I refuse to accept that it’s dementia, not only because I have witnessed the changes first-hand, and you can go back YEARS and see that this has always been his way of speaking, etc; we are just much more exposed to it now. But also, I will not be OK with anyone

I’ve watched my dad regress for more than a decade. It’s not the same. Trump was never a smart man and has always had an extremely limited vocabulary. There’s no regression, just a more intense spotlight that he isn’t an educated human being.

I have been integral to my father’s care also. But I don’t want to see Trump’s hate and stupidity excused for medical reasons. He really is just hateful and stupid.

My father has dementia. We have been dealing with his symptoms for many years. This is not dementia, and people should never excuse Trump’s behavior with this. He is stupid, ignorant, narcissistic, egotistical, entitled and awful. He does NOT have dementia.

Fuckabee also referred to Drumpf’s “overwhelming victory,” because I guess to remain employed in this White House you must stroke his ego thusly every single goddamn day. Better than stroking anything else on that puss-filled body, but still ...

You are far from alone. He comes off as a horse’s ass to me always.

Yeah, I want to see how all these layoffs start to affect the jobs numbers. Because here’s the thing: This asshole will lie to us every chance he gets, and that includes cooking the books on unemployment figures. I’d bet everything I have that if he doesn’t actually do this, he’ll at least try. This is someone who

You are seriously disrespecting serif fonts here. I use Georgia faithfully, and have never been accused of being a serial killer, so.

They also lie. Just lie so blatantly and almost proudly. I’ve had so many fights with family members over things they believe that are so incredibly false, and yet they believe them with incredible passion because they’ve been told these lies by the GOP, and they just accept these lies at face value. I DO NOT

So they voted for the cowardly asshole draft dodger. Our whole fucking country is backward right now.