Bear Brian

Staten Island is a lot of firefighters and NYPD. Let’s not forget, Hillary was down at Ground Zero and worked her ass off to get ongoing care for those affected by working at Ground Zero; this is proven fact. Trump’s lies included saying he could see from his penthouse(!) people jumping from the towers on 9/11, which

I’m so happy I live in New York City. We LOATHE him here. Because we know him. So at least it’s easier to live in a community that would be sooooooo happy if he took his gaudy buildings and left town forever.

Please don’t attack me, interwebs, but I think Riley Keough is an even-more-boring Kristen Stewart, and I just don’t get the appeal.

Yeah, I know, a single-digit loss in a district R’s won by 20 points last year, blah blah blah. Anybody else depressed as fuck right now? We are stuck with Trump and his evil brethren for the foreseeable future, and if there’s anything worse than Trump, it’s Trump thinking he won something. That’s Trump at maximum

The unpardonable sin in the fashion industry is to not be thin. It’s awful, the way you are treated as a result. I speak from personal experience.

The ending of Blair Witch messed me up for a while. I would have dreams trying to solve the ending. Because it was kind of an awful ending, but it scared the crap out of me.

Thank god, they have tons of kids and grandkids, plus I live in another state, so that won’t be on me.

It’s also silent. Which means, yeah, you hear every creak, every scratching noise that could just be the cat. I live in the city, I can sleep with buses going by and the TV blaring. In the black silence, not so much.

Lol, thanks for adding to the narrative in my head!

I slept on the couch in the living room once because I was so freaked out, and I think maybe it hurt my aunt’s feelings, like I didn’t like the room or something. And she is my favorite aunt, so now I just suck it up.

My aunt loves antiques, they’re all over the house. The dolls in the guestroom just makes sense, plus I know my uncle would never put up with them in their bedroom. But yeah, I cannot tell you how many times I’ve tried to go to sleep in the pitch-black darkness, with my phone next to me, thinking about how if I

I’ve also never been down in their basement. And never will, either.

Thank you! I really do love it there. As long as the sun is up. Also because when we’re outside at night, my uncle will casually look up and say, “Oh, look, a bat.”

Good. Not even Trump’s base wants to show up for this bullshit. And here I thought they’d follow batshit-crazy into any battle.

My aunt and uncle have an old farmhouse. My aunt collects vintage dolls. They all live in the guestroom. Which is where I sleep when I stay there. Also, did you know that out in the middle of the country, it is freaking pitch black at night? So when I turn the lights out at night in the doll-filled room, it’s so dark

Hope you’re right. I keep thinking that while Trump rages and blusters, Mueller is just quietly and methodically putting together the case, and not proceeding until it’s absolutely bulletproof. Our safety and our sanity depend on it.

I keep telling myself that, and then picture the day that Robert Mueller releases a report that says Trump may be stupid but not a criminal. And then it will get worse.

I follow @MeetAnimals on Twitter, and it’s literally the only thing about my Twitter feed that makes me smile these days. So thanks for this. Also, here’s a typical example of what you’ll find in that account:

Every day, every single goddamned day, he does something that’s just too ridiculous for words. It honestly is getting to be just too much. I know that’s exactly the feeling they’re counting on from me/us as we get mired in deeper and deeper shit, but Jesus Christ on a cracker I do not know how much more I can take.

D&G are definitely in the mjnority. Everyone else in the fashion industry is either, “Fuck Donald and Melania and I don’t give a shit if you don’t like it,” or they’re silent, either because they can’t prevent her paying full price for a dress or they’re too cowardly to admit they work with her.