Bear Brian

Their entire schtick has become ruminations on florals, landscapes and religion-driven art of Sicily. Yawn. Throw in some lace and some see-through skirts over high-waisted panties and corset-detailed tops and dresses, and bang, you too could create a Dolce & Gabbana collection.

I got into a fight with my mother and my aunt over Easter because I said she was a vapid phony and they love Ivanka soooooo much. More than me, apparently. Everything since Nov. 8th has sucked.

OK, but can we discuss how Bomer’s jacket was crisp and perfect:

Great, great film. Vivien Leigh is soooooo beautiful. And the production design just gorgeous.

Who exactly are these little pisher, entitled douchebags, and why exactly should we give even half a fuck about their opinions?

Yes! And I am totally cool with this. Because kid names have just gone bonkers.

Love that her name is Edith and not Highway or Parkway or Gowanus or Basil, because enough already ...

I also like it as a verb: “You really had to just Ivanka all over that, didn’t you.”

They really excel at crap like this, don’t they? Also, her father looking all smug while singing at Arlington earlier today? How do you fuck up the simple task of JUST STANDING THERE and looking sober and serious.

Exactly, there didn’t seem like there was anything “respectful” about her head covering. (And this is supposedly a woman who observes the Sabbath every week.) Instead, it kind of screams, “Look how pretty I am! Who cares if I look like the bride of Christ when I’m actually an observant Jew? I’m pretty!”

Are you Josh Radnor? It’s a valid question, given that his career has been flailing since the show ended.

Sometimes I wonder if Trump tells her what to wear. Because I want to think she’s smarter than this and knows to wear something more day-appropriate, and then Mr. You’re My Property comes along and says, “I’d rather you wear this because my virility must constantly be demonstrated by your level of hotness.”

I eyerolled Ivanka’s veil so, so hard. I imagined her trying it on and thinking, Yes, this is perfect. Ivanka, honey, go home. Your children are going to need you after your husband goes to jail. Also, maybe quit trying to pull focus from your father’s wife every single fucking time.

Silly me, I was literally thinking a few hours ago that we might go an entire day without him shitting the bed with something new.

I’m constantly wondering how any of these people - Conway, Spicer, Priebus - justifies their self-worth or integrity when they look in the mirror at night. None of them is stupid. And yet they have so willingly sold their souls to such a batshit-crazy liar. I still just don’t get it.

If you believe Louise Mensch, sealed indictments have been issued. If she’s lying about this stuff or simply talking out of her ass because she’s going off bad intel, it’s going to be soooooo disappointing. She must realize how much we are counting on Drumpf to quit under pressure or, even better, live the rest of his

You’re right, you can’t piss them off. There are too many of us out there looking for work. Any sign of trouble and they will just stop answering your emails about future work. I have learned this from experience.

No sibs, unfortunately. I would LOVE someone who would be the bad-cop accounting person for me.

One of my six-month payments was for a job for which they should have told me up front that there was all this paperwork that would need to be processed. I could have been working on the paperwork while doing the job. But no, I did the job, they were happy, I submitted the invoice, and THEN it was, Oh, by the way ...

I remarked to a friend recently that I think I’m too nice, and some take advantage of that. But otoh, if you’re too aggressive, they don’t want to work with you.