Bear Brian

Thanks. I had a regular copywriting gig, but even that is drying up because they added someone to their team who had some writing talent. I decided this coming week I need to make new work happen, fast.

He’s one of the worst. As a freelancer, every story I read about him stiffing a contractor would make my blood boil. He makes it permissible for others to do it.

So I’m staying in tonight because freelancing sucks. Nobody pays in a timely manner anymore. I’m waiting for checks that go back six months. Every day that I open the mailbox and there’s nothing in it, I have a mini rage stroke.

It’s 3:54 am and I’m wide awake. This awfulness has to stop. GOP senators need to understand that a huge swath of the electorate is so anxiety-ridden over this. It’s not only our country’s safety that’s in jeopardy, it’s our collective sanity as well.

Seriously trashy.

Actually the opposite is more likely true, especially in New York, where it’s considered a privilege to work for a woman this awful.

When I was home for Easter my mom and aunt were both going on about how “lovely and poised” she is. They’re both Trump voters who never went to college (not faulting them for the latter, just a point of information). But that’s who would buy the book - fangirls no matter how old partly because she’s pretty and partly

The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce sponsors it, but you have to be nominated, the fee paid, and there has to be written confirmation that the celeb in question both wants their star and, more importantly, will show up for the unveiling. In recent years (and likely with Drumpf), it’s been studios and publicists who pay

The only thing I hope for Melania is that he dies while in office - soon, please? - and she, having never moved to D.C., lives out her life in New York as a Merry Widow with a giant smile on her face.

Oh, please let this be the end of this fucker. I’d like to believe this is indeed the end, because leave it to BO and Fox to let him slip away like a thief in the night. Even if this is him “saving face,” at least he’s gone.

Point of clarification: This was never an overbooked flight. This was a full flight. Then United realized they needed to transport crew. Those crew members then took priority over four paying passengers.

Apologies! I did not realize ...

Thanks for the name-calling. I side with the TV logic: Don’t give idiots free airtime, and that’s one less incentive to be an idiot.

I no longer live in Detroit but still try to get to 5-6 games a year. They’re not always big, marquee matchups, just when my schedule will allow. I’ve never thought fans were silent and have always seen good numbers.

I still feel strangely judged when I order a Bloody Mary either in the Delta Sky Club or on the plane before noon, but I have decided to stop caring, because fuck it I want a Bloody Mary.

Damn you. I’m crying now. Does it every time.

Other than the regrettable typo on miracles, have to agree with this. There is no better sports call. Not even Buckner. Because this was about a win.

They think Gibby is a “star,” and rightly so, but his lack of personality is tough to take. You kind of have to write it off and listen for the stats and inside-baseball info he offers, and divorce yourself from his terrible delivery. If you can do that, you actually learn stuff about the game. Also, someone else here

Hate to bicker, but Tigers fans are way better than so many other teams. The White Sox home games were downright sad, rain or no rain. Tigers fans by and large show up for their team.

Why do you guys show the idiots? Honest question.