Bear Brian

That’s Kirk Gibson. He actually offers up great details about the game, but his delivery is so monotone you want to kill yourself.

I’m going to side-eye the winery spokesperson’s quote. Here’s the reason: They gave almost the exact same reason for filling jobs at Mar-a-Lago, while an employment service in Palm Beach County said they had 30,000 qualified applicants, but no one from Trump’s team had contacted them for years.

She used to dye her hair lilac and sit in the front row at Marc Jacobs. She was like 13 at the time, and I mainly remember thinking, Why is she trying to look like her own grandmother? That was the moment fashion shows stopped caring about actual professionals in their front rows in favor of children and Kardashians.

The main thing I remember is that she wanted all high-end designers on set, and there were two challenges to that: First, she wasn’t sample size. She’s a big girl, very tall, and at the time closer to a true size 8, and high-end samples are a 2-4 if you’re lucky. I’m not at all trying to fat-shame her, not saying she

As someone who worked on two of those covers, trust me when I say a lot of Photoshop was employed at the time. Ivanka’s been to the surgeon, more than once, since then.

I started watching because I fell in love with everything about Schmidt. Max Greenfield is amazing, also because the writing for him has been soooo good. But yeah, Jess has been annoying way too many times. I eyerolled every time they found a reason for Zoe Deschanel to sing. We get it, she sings. Also, when she’s 40,

The Prince ep should go down as one of the best in the series, no question. Did you ever read Liz Meriwether’s background story on Vulture about how he came to the show? She posted it after he died; it’s a wonderful story, I’ll look for it and add here ...

I like the show, but the storylines are definitely wearing thin. With Winston getting married, it’s basically a future of Nick and Jess staring at each other in the loft.

She was wearing Harry Winston, a big, honking diamond set in platinum. And platinum scratches kind of easily, yes? So who could blame her, honestly ...

Fold in tomato-based comfort food to settle your stomach - McDonald’s also will do the trick, DO NOT JUDGE ME!! - and it’s like you and I are twins.

Thank you! He’s funny and handsome and smart; how is any of that weird? Also, fun fact: He loves old movies and can speak very intelligently about even the most esoteric of classic films (I know this because I met him at an event, and this is what we discussed). This scores high marks in my book.

“On the machine, Rose. On the machine.”

Someone could literally walk next door from Trump Tower to Tiffany & Co. and buy a tie clip for $175. That’s the least he could do for all the business he’s cost them. But no. Tape is better! What an utter idiot.

He is the worst kind of rich guy: no taste and enormously cheap. He probably thinks he looks fine and doesn’t understand the nuances of good tailoring. And his tacky gold penthouse is purely to show others how rich he supposedly is; however, the art on the walls? Copies, because he doesn’t believe in paying for he

My cable actually went out this morning, and I can’t get the technician here until Friday morning. I have never been so happy to not have TV.

Thank you. I’d like to say the same about Saint Ivanka with the red dress hanging off one shoulder and a bra/slip strap showing. Did they think they were at a cocktail party?

Kudos on finding that photo. It’s beyond perfect with that headline.

Fried from too much peroxide. A hairstylist would tell her to chop it all off, lay off the hair dye and make an attempt to grow healthy hair.

In the midst of a meeting. In the Oval Office.

Tonight 60 Minutes did three stories on the following subjects: North Korea, a gun that won’t be recalled because NRA, and the doctor currently on trial for molesting members of the women’s USA gymnastics team. With each story it was too easy to think Trump, Trump, Trump. Only one mentioned him by name - the one about