Bear Brian

I’m convinced he’s already done it with some of those rich cronies at Mar-a-Lago, but the right person just wasn’t around to hear it.

His unhinged need to look like a big shot to absolutely everyone around him is ultimately going to be his undoing, I am convinced of that. All of these examples you’d think would be enough, but no, because he hasn’t outlasted his usefulness to Ryan, McConnell and the other GOP ghouls who want to strip us of every

Typical Deadspin. Shit on someone’s grave because being contrary somehow equates with cool or above it all. Meanwhile, what have YOU done to help a city that badly needs help? Or are you some Bernie bro who revels in burn-it-to-the-ground chaos because you’re white and privileged and don’t have to bother worrying

Start looking at local elections that need your help now. I keep thinking he won’t last, but let’s face it: The GOP and Bannon and the rest of those agenda-filled dickwads will keep propping him up and sending him out as long as he suits their purposes and we have zero power to do anything about it. So look to the

I wanted to be down for it but now just feel like I would be hate-watching the entire time. I need some calm in my life, and that means no to anything featuring this hateful, privileged woman.

She seems pleased about the current chaos. Fuck Susan Sarandon. This is one less person watching Feud.

I totally believe this, because he is so in love with his own importance that you just know he would be bursting to tell secrets, just (only!) to inflate his self-worth.

It’s imperative that journalists keep digging on the Russia story. Impeachment needs to happen before he is able to get a SCOTUS judge on the bench. This is an illegitimate presidency.

Also, this (now, it seems) little-known story: “Mike Ilitch once paid for Rosa Parks’ rent.”

Is that a bouquet or is she wearing a flower bush? Then again, if you have to ask ...

I wish I could say the same about my mom, but no. Needless to say, the conversations are less frequent and always brief.

I had to click on the link saying he didn’t know what the 13 stripes meant. Jesus, don’t we learn that in, what, the second grade? That is fucking nuts.

I worked in food service all through college, and I am a model customer because of it: Polite, look you in the eye, say please and thank you, don’t get snippy about delays, and tip a minimum of 20 percent. How hard is that, honestly? And I frequent the same places all the time, and that attitude as a customer is

I was born an American and I can’t bear the idea of the Queen having to suffer through meeting him and his spawn. Because you know he will take those awful children, and likely also his unsmiling wife.

I just thought this script was awful. And then seeing how much they improvised, it occurred to me that there must not have been much of a script in the first place.

I have no problem with that.

This bit was inspired, and Lorne Michaels should thank the comedy gods for her and Alec Baldwin, also because my god Kristen Stewart was such a dud ...

It’s been rumored for a while that he would go to Versace. Not hugely surprising, actually ...

He’s never, ever going to be better than this moment. This was once again a softball moment, and he still managed to ruin it.

He really is a profoundly stupid man who doesn’t even possess the most basic knowledge of American history. This needs to be exposed at every opportunity. When he sidesteps the question, as he does OVER AND OVER AND OVER, journalists need to be more diligent in following up. Fuck respect for the office or deference,