Bear Brian

I wonder if he ever goes home at night, looks in the mirror and utters, “What the fuck have I done?”

OK, but I feel like Trump has already pissed off Schumer via the events of this weekend and then those shitty things he said about him. Will we see a stronger, more vigilant, more pissed-off Schumer this week? God I hope so.

I literally have woken up a few mornings thinking, OK, what did he do? Are we OK? I mean, fuck. That is no way to live. That honestly must be what it means to live under a dictator.

Very good point, thank you!

How much money would Melania take to just fuck him to death, literally? We could gofundme that, right?

They still need him to lift the Russia sanctions so Exxon can drill in Siberia. $500 billion worth of oil, and Obama wouldn’t let Exxon and Putin reap the profits. That’s been the long game the entire time.

OK, but what the fuck do New Yorkers do? Our reps are already on our side.

If you need me I’ll be in a fucking fetal position on my bed because I’m just not sure how much more I can take and OH MY FUCKING GOD IT IS ONLY DAY TEN.

I want this to be so good and not too campy. Though also good god I can’t stand Susan Sarandon at the moment. Not an easy combo.

There are sitting wrinkles on Natalie’s gown below her bump and WHYYYYYYYYY didn’t someone just smooth those out a little in post?!

“Are you panicking yet? You should be.”

It’s Day 5. Day Fucking Five. And we already need to storm the Bastille.

Pretty sure it’s a tradition, but you just know Michelle gave it away. Likely to charity. No way whatever is in that box is going on a shelf or mantelpiece. It could be a fucking giant Tiffany diamond and I’d be like, Auction it off for charity, but keep it outta my sight. And the only reason she even opened the box,

I have maybe watched this side-by-side comparison 100 times and I’m still not tired of it.

Subscribe to digital editions of newspapers. They are not that expensive, and you are helping to fund the work. Start with WaPo. David Fahrenthold’s reporting has been excellent.

A supporter tweeted at me yesterday that he’s “open and honest.” I’m starting to think there’s a pod people thing happening.

That Trump picked him when the previous two guys ARE ACTUAL NUCLEAR PHYSICISTS should tell anyone what they need to know about the care and precision of this incoming administration.

When Drumpf is impeached (and hopefully imprisoned) for being Russia’s “useful fool,” how is GSofA going to feel then?

Trump says he doesn’t read, can’t be bothered. I am convinced his IQ is abysmally low partly for this reason.

Yeah, the second they announced these “last-minute additions,” my first thought was, Oh, so you finally threw money at the problem. Good for her for realizing no amount of money was worth it.