Bear Brian

I posted something similar on FB, also suggesting to volunteer at a local non-profit for the day. I wouldn’t dream of going near a TV that day, because a hit to his ego via low ratings is how to hurt him most right now.

Is it me or do even their exploratory questions sound antagonistic? These assholes are going to be this awful every single day, aren’t they.

Well, that sounds completely awful. Thanks for the explanation.

I never thought I lived a sheltered life until this moment, because I have no idea what Fireball is ...

No one’s arguing that. But Midtown is now an absolute nightmare because these people think their tacky gold penthouse is nicer than the White House. It’s disrupting living here and doing business here to an enormous degree, and they’ve never once acknowledged that. Because they don’t care.

Trump said in this 2015 Hollywood Reporter interview that he wasn’t a germophobe, so, you know, just another lie:

+1 Mountain Dew.

Given how egregious some of the copying was, seems like a pretty poor search on the editor’s part.

It’s the hubris of it. Sums up the arrogance of his entire team. They think they’re Teflon and can’t be touched. I sincerely hope their fall is hard and horrible. Just not at the expense of our safety.

She also moved items around on the list so it wouldn’t be an exact copy, which I find hysterical. Surprised she didn’t go the “Barack Obama is a very, very, very, very bad president” route. Clearly they weren’t paying her by the word. Just the deception.

Because this whole entire thing is about him showing what a big shot he is, because he’ll never get over the embarrassment of his tiny, tiny penis.

Hope you’ve got a penis!

Now playing

Here’s a typical scene at baggage claim at FLL, courtesy of YouTube:

I’m in and out of that airport, that terminal, all the time. No TSA in baggage claim, and rarely any armed guards or police dogs. It’s a very relaxed, open baggage area with little or no security- because of all the cruise-ship business, they start playing steel-drum music when your bags start to come out.

My mother had texted me earlier, bc I fly in and out of that airport a lot; her explanation without any facts yet revealed? “Terrorists.”

This lazy fucker:

We are expecting precisely that statement from Herr Drumpf momentarily.

Of note: Florida legislature was set next week to start hearings on SB 140, the bill that would allow open carry at many buildings throughout the state. Including airports.

I’m starting to seriously regret that we never played as dirty as these people have, and clearly plan to continue. Fuckers.

“But ... but ... we get to dress like hippies and hang out in the desert and smoke weed!”