Bear Brian

Evidently it got terrible ratings and equally bad reviews. Good. Hope it goes downhill from there and gets canceled. Less money in that shitbag’s pocket.

This is needed if only to combat the shitshow that will be Celebrity Apprentice this season. WHICH I’M HOPING NONE OF US ARE WATCHING, BTW ....

Very sorry for your loss.

I hate everyone - but I really, REALLY hate Trump - and I’m getting drunk because my god, what the fuck. Join me, won’t you?

It feels like it’s got Terry Richardson’s stink attached to it. Blown-out skintones, which is why actresses put up with his crap, and then wholly unexciting everyplace else in the photo. Skeevy hack.

Thank you. Honestly, someone tell me, when is the last time Kim looked really good and not like a sausage stuffed into a ridiculous, and usually sheer, dress? Most of that Balmain he worships is ugly af, and this dress is same.

Almost all of Jez’s other posts have depressed the fuck out of me this morning, so thanks for this.

Prediction: Within six months Drumpf tweets something that falls under the purview of actual national security, because he just can’t help his need to look like a big shot to absolutely everyone.

Every politician all over the world needs to have their Twitter taken away from them right the fuck now. Starting with FakeHair McOrangeFace.

How does that employee meeting even work? Who wouldn’t be horrified by that discussion?

Now playing

Well, thanks for sticking the Sheila E in my head:

That’s what I’m thinking as well. What the heck does a freaking YouTube “star” know about whether she was breathing and for how long? And how do we know this person isn’t over-dramatizing to inflate their role in the situation? Will we see her being interviewed on the Today Show tomorrow morning?

Omigosh, that’s so awful. I’m so sorry.

Wow, that’s intense. Your dad is a hero.

Tacky gold penthouse with fake art on the walls. True story.

“Abortions are evil!”

Hey, look at that! There is actually another reason to hate this little shit.

What I meant is that it never works out as a forever thing to sell your name. At some point she will want her name back. Wait and see.

People selling their name never works out. Some company always dangles all this money in front of you, and you think, It’ll be fine. And then you end up leaving without your name. And/or you then spend years buying it back. This should be interesting.

It’s honestly the only way to cope - that and I keep making up excuses to go out for “Christmas shopping.” I am at a bar on my third glass of wine as we speak. My Trump-voting mother thinks I’m shopping for last-minute gifts for my cousins. Those were already ordered online and due to arrive Wednesday.