Bear Brian

I’ve been home for three days and spent two of the evenings out so I don’t have to hear it. Also, alcohol every chance you get.

I continue to not understand how we got to this place. I’m so fucking depressed right now. Honestly the only hope I have is in watching how quickly and completely he screws over every single person who voted for him. Just like anyone who ever trusted him in the past: an ex-wife, a small-business contractor, or someone

How does his autocorrect either not catch and change “unpresidented” or add the angry little red line below the word to announce you’ve spelled something wrong?

She says “good cast,” though, and I can’t picture Teigen being a Depp person. She likely, rightly, thinks he’s a bit of a shit.

This place is just a few blocks away from the Polo Bar, Ralph Lauren’s place, where of course everything is perfect and also impeccably served, with a price tag to match. But I’ll pay for it there bc I know I’m getting quality.

Honestly the only thing to happen in our country to give me any sense of hope that we haven’t completely lost our minds since, well, you know when ...

I’d love to eyeroll this and discuss how Trump doesn’t have time for intelligence briefings, but he has time for this, but you know what? I actually found the silver lining: My racist family thinks Kanye is an asshole and a nut job, so among the evil forces of Trump’s base, this isn’t a good look.

My friend and I have a running joke that the internet has ruined everything. It started long before the election and was rooted in how immediacy isn’t always a good thing and how anyone can be a blogger and therefore “an expert.” But hey, look at that, not a joke! The internet indeed has ruined everything.

Your brain is both a little sick and awesome.

I can’t say that out loud. I mainly wish for a heart attack the night of the inauguration. Because you know he’s going to make Melania get on top of him that night. So gross.

I am totally on board with Madonna’s speech, also because I think it’s gross that Mick Jagger is a father again at 73, and his gf is 29 (eyeroll), and zero people seem to be talking about this.

You realize he’s also throwing shade at Obama, who does read the PDBs, so clearly he isn’t as smart as Trump. Must be the education system in Kenya.

He never actually plans on doing the actual work of being president, does he. He’s refusing intelligence briefings while having meetings with Mark Burnett. He has surrounded himself with absolute assholes who care not at all about middle- or low-income Americans, and they’ll destroy everything while he’s at “victory

George was so much sexier when he wasn’t married. Surely he has realized this by now, also because all/most of his movies have tanked since he tied the knot. Coincidence? I don’t think so.

My mom has a sister, and I know what I missed when I see them together. It’s pretty much what you describe. They will bitch about each other to me, and yet I know each would hate living without the other.

I am an only child, and your comment makes me want a sister.

The ladies on the morning shows do like a bold necklace, don’t they.

Love fashion. Love Chanel. Love Karl. Still have to eyeroll this a little. Cara was without question one of the worst parts of Suicide Squad and never should have quit her day job.

No joke. He was selling a “special edition” of the candle at Saks for - are you ready? - $250. Damn thing SOLD OUT.

I read elsewhere that he sold that stock. Is there any way to check that?