Bear Brian

And somewhere, Pepe would never stop laughing.

Yes, there are adults who color. It’s evidently both an enjoyment thing and a stress-relief thing. I know a co-worker who does it.

I am clinging with hope to the moment his “plan” is released, and all the idiots looking at him to be their savior from Obamacare go, “Garsh, wait a minit, that’s gonna cost us mor money!”

If it makes you feel any better, I was driving in Miami last week and flipped off a Trump building as I passed it on A1A. So you’re more mature than I am.

Extremely fresh Wonder Bread, turkey carved off the bird, and plenty of mustard.

Jesus, that sucks. My mom and I had a horrible fight re Trump, but at least I got a Thanksgiving dinner out of it.

If the situation were reversed, Drumpf & Co. would have been screaming for recounts - yeah, we’re supposed to be better than that/them, but fuck it. Also because yeah, with everything that’s happened in the days before and after Nov. 8th, I totally believe someone messed with the numbers.

Thanks for your assumption. Please, in my moment of sadness and depression and wishing for an escape from this increasingly awful country, tell me again how I must be living a life of privilege, when all I feel is trapped precisely because I don’t have the money to just pick up and leave.

This is the thing that just makes me want to leave. Everyone says stay and fight, but how do you fight when no one will listen?

I look at that photo and think he looks exactly like Damien in The Omen.

Don’t say 8. My heart and mind can’t take the idea.

The area is swarming with NYPD 24/7, so make no mistake, New Yorkers foot that bill, not Drumpf.

Midtown businesses are already suffering, because the now-permanent barricades and bag checks at every corner are a major turnoff to pedestrian traffic.

This fucking family, man. Midtown is a nightmare because of this. And she doesn’t even want to be First Lady, this story makes that abundantly clear. So fucking selfish - don’t tell me for one second this is about not disrupting Richie Rich’s life. This is about HER comfort, about not disrupting HER life. Get ready

Yeah, he’s said it in several interviews. My take is he’s never watched the whole thing and has no idea what it’s really about. He’s just heard “it’s the best movie,” so that’s his favorite. And you’re right, he is a putz.

I’m hoping for, in this order: 1) non-stop booing whenever he goes; 2) constant fuck-ups and proof of idiocy so even those who voted for him are like, what the hell did we do? 3) he is HUMILIATED four years from now (I’d love impeachment but fear that scumbag Pence); 4) Trump skulks out of New York because he can’t

Someone eyerolled on Twitter that the audience must only be filled with “New York elites.” Right, because on a Friday night at the most impossible-to-see, expensive ticket on Broadway, there will be zero tourists in the audience, only above-it-all Hillary New Yorkers. Right.

He has said that after January he still wants the freedom to return to Trump Tower often, and Mar-a-Lago as well. He basically doesn’t give a shit about living in the White House, and his own personal comfort is more important to him than the residents, commuters and businesses around that tacky tower of his. Nice

Those students are exercising their First Amendment rights. I would hope any legislature or courtroom would recognize that and leave it at that.

Yeah, it’s one of the reasons Olbermann left, apparently, because Trump actually either owns or runs that one. The others were just licensing deals that expired, which is why it was easier to get his lying name taken down.