Bear Brian

Yeah, I know, that’s one of the few he still owns. I do a lot of work in Midtown and have to walk by Trump Tower a lot - well, did, before they put up the barricades. I want to throw eggs or spit on the sidewalk, but can’t at the moment. It’s OK, I’m patient, I’ll wait.

I will never call her First Lady, and I will never call him President. I don’t care if I sound petty. They’re just too awful and don’t deserve those titles. #SorryNotSorry

This is honestly THE BEST news of this past awful, horrible week. Because this hits him where it matters most: His ego. He has bragged so many times about how his name is on so many buildings in New York. Well, guess what, Donnie: New Yorkers have spoken, and you can shove that cheap, lying, tacky name of yours

Crap. Yeah, I saw the shitshow that happened after I wrote that among the press who couldn’t figure out where he was. 21 also makes more sense because it’s closer to his tacky building. Sucks because 21 is such a great example of classic New York. Trump fucking ruins everything.

So, to sum up:

Thank you! That is very kind. Unfortunately I do fear recriminations if I were more specific, mainly being fired. But rest assured, among many editors in New York, we have had this conversation, and we want nothing to do with her products, no matter whether it’s the fine jewelry or the cheap made-in-China crap they

Thank you!

It’s seriously insulting that they think we either can’t read or don’t understand that a CEO and VP of Sales of any company talk multiple times a day. This was so staged, but once again, Miss Innocent is never to blame. She’s so phony, everyone in the industry knows this.

Yet another example of how nothing is ever the fault of any member of this family, as though Ivanka didn’t knowingly wear a bracelet from her own company. But no, some poor schmo gets thrown under the bus instead.

She’s pulling a David Cameron; who can blame her?

I am reading these and both smiling and crying at the same time. So no.

Obama realizing, with must be complete and utter horror, that Trump’s team didn’t even realize they had to hire all new people (as per a report in WSJ) must have been something. So Obama actually said he’s going to spend more time with the transition team (and I assume Trump) to ensure the transition is smooth. Can

These are in all seriousness the only moments that have made me laugh since Tuesday. Bless all who have created them, and god bless Barack Obama and Joe Biden. They will be missed more than words can express.

Thanks very much for sharing! I signed it a few days ago. Very happy to see it now has almost 4.1 million signatures, but I’m cynical enough to believe it will not have an impact, unfortunately ...

I hear you. I feel betrayed by my family. I tried multiple times to show them who he is, and they voted for him anyway. It feels terrible.

I attended the protest in New York yesterday. It felt great. I’ll go to another one, and another one after that. Anyone who doesn’t like it and wants the tell me it’s a waste of my time can go fuck themselves. I’m exercising my First Amendment right - to paraphrase what Rosanne Cash said on Twitter earlier today, it’s

Doesn’t mean he’s not a HUGE asshole.

This is my hope also. I have a feeling he will screw up quickly. I just hope it’s not to our detriment.

I had to block someone on Twitter this morning who was intent on gloating and doing the social-media equivalent of sticking his finger in my face. So I looked at his account: His avatar is Pepe wearing a Nazi hat, no joke. That’s who’s celebrating today. This is insane.

I honestly haven’t felt this way since 9/11. Every time I open my mouth to speak to someone, I start crying. This is too awful, and his awfulness is already starting.