Bear Brian

I think we have the same mom.

Is it OK if I vomit because I’m hammered beyond belief? Because honestly there’s just no other option right now.

So do we think the snake hitched a ride or someone was trying to bring home a pet?

A little more than a decade later, these same publishers would go on to produce the second iteration of the Trump magazine. Like so many of his ventures, it went belly-up within a year because no one wanted to advertise in a magazine that had his name on it, nor did designers want to lend product for photo shoots. But

Agreed. The douchebag who brought those women into the press conference before the second debate does not get to claim the moral high ground.

You don’t think her pre-nup includes an NDA? He’s so paranoid, of course he does that while he’s still married to the woman, not after ...

Please. Your trolling is about as clever as your grammar. If you think these two candidates are equal, you are either blind or ignorant or both.

Did I say a free pass? Not even a little bit. But do I think her issues are even remotely close to his? Not by a long shot. He is a monster and in many, many ways unfit to serve. She doesn’t come close to that. Sorry, she just doesn’t. I will cast my vote for her Tuesday with a clear conscience and a prayer she beats

Sorry, but I’m with Bill Maher: Fuck that false-equivalency, “lesser of two evils” bullshit.

At this point I just want to scream from rooftops, “WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK?!?!!!??!!?!!”

I couldn’t love this comment more, thank you. On another post I once commented about how I side-eye people who feel compelled to go the mass-procreation route, and you would have thought I said we should drown babies at birth. But why, why do you need five or more kids?!? (That’s just an arbitrary number from me, pick

That’s such a shame. I grew up in a dog house - my parents always have two - so they can’t wait until I bring mine to visit. And she quickly figured out my Mom is an amazing cook, so every time my Mom heads in the kitchen, she follows. Just sits and watches, happy as a clam. My last dog preferred my Dad to, I think,

I honestly feel like the absolute last thing you can say in polite society is that you have zero interest in having kids. Women in New York especially look at you either with blatant judgment or like you just arrived from another planet. Not all of us feel it’s mandatory to expel another human from our loins. There

What’s really sad - and utterly infuriating - is that he has no clue that this is what he’s doing. This is his fault. This is what he has wrought. Every time I think I could not loathe him more, something like this happens, and I think, Hey, look at that! It is possible to loathe him more.

I think the same thing every time I get called for jury duty and look around and wonder with more than a little fear, This would be a jury of my peers? No, thanks.

I wish she had thought through the “nasty feet” portion of today’s speech just a tad more, but other than that she’s a badass and I adore her.

I honestly hope he does sue them. More importantly, and with more justice in mind, I hope the reverse is true. He will settle, as he has so many times before. As much as we’d love him to go through a painful discovery process, that will never happen. So at least these women will get paid (an act far more obscene to

Too bad we can’t get an actual sex worker to come forward and say he paid her. Because you know that isn’t the first and only time he’s offered a woman money.

Reagan once “worked” with the Contras, so I have every faith that if Ugliest Trump saw her shirt, he thought, Oh, cool, she’s saying my dad is like Reagan.

That’s the thing: He is a cheapskate. He’s proven this time and again. Rumors are the art in his gaudy penthouse is fake, because he can’t see the value in paying for the real thing. And look at how many times he’s cheated small businesses on contracts. Same argument could be made: He had the money, he just didn’t