Bear Brian

Let’s not forget that Kasich already has disclosed that he was offered the job first, by that crappy little shit Don Jr., who told Kasich (actually tried to entice him with this) that he would do all the heavy lifting, the actual job of being president. And when Kasich asked what Trump would be doing, Jr. replied,

Go ahead and sue, asshole. Lawyers will line up to defend these women pro bono. The discovery and depositions alone will keep you in conference rooms for years. And we’ll enjoy every second of it.

His parents really did a number on him. And in turn, he’s doing the same thing with his sons, both of whom only ever behave like bullies and creeps.

I have a thing for guys who look like they could grow a beard in five seconds. My best friend says it’s a subconscious thing about testosterone. So yeah, Gyllenhaal def fits that bill. Jon Hamm is another.

Ooof, that green dress. Want.

Wow, November 28th? That’s the reason he blurted out that date, isn’t it. Mind blown. Karma’s a bitch, isn’t it, Donnie?

It’s funny because it’s true.

I walked by on a Saturday morning a couple weeks ago, and the quote I still remember is, “Ooooh, look, the Naked Cowboy!” Yeah, they were excited about seeing that guy.

Appreciate the gif, but didn’t Tom Hanks leave his wife for Rita Wilson? They met on a film set and boom, the first wife was out of the picture. Not the prettiest aspect of everybody’s favorite funny guy.

Stassa, I think you mean “always unable to not respond ....” because he just can’t help himself.

Yes! So much this. And tonight after the boos he got, she couldn’t even be bothered to look interested. If she leaves him on Nov. 9th because she can clean up via the “he cheated” clause in their pre-nup, I will never stop laughing.

The look on his face when HRC did her Giuliani burn was priceless. Surly old cuss. You reap what you sow, you soulless bastard.

Thank you for this post.

I concede your point, but I’m one of those who can’t stand the sight or smell of eggs when I’m hungover.

Here’s hoping CNN, MSNBC et al don’t give him or his cheap-ass new whatever-it-is the time of day. I honestly can’t stand hearing another word out of his ugly face. The “if I win” crap this morning only reinforced that. He thinks he’s being cute or clever. The line to punch him must be so unbelievably long.

You guys know we are still stuck with him beyond Nov. 8th, right? Because he’s going to be an asshole and not concede - LOOK HOW LONG IT TOOK HIM TO ADMIT THE BIRTHER THING, AND EVEN THEN HE DENIED ACCOUNTABILITY - and then even after that we are still going to see his fat face on Trump TV or TNN or whatever the fuck

Have McDonald’s for lunch tomorrow. A Quarter Pounder and large fries, with ketchup. Trust me, the combination of grease and tomatoes works wonders for the hangover. Thank me later.

OK, but what’s she doing to these women? Casting doubts on both their stories and their characters? Ironic much?

Didn’t she say something like, “Look at these women,” or “Look into the lives of these women,” or something like that? Way to betray the sisterhood, Melania. Does that mean we now can discuss the fact that you were a call girl in New York instead of a “model” as you proclaim, and that you were kept by three men, two

Hearing Melania try to stumble through “left-wing media,” clearly saying it as though she has no idea what it means, was the best entertainment on TV last night. Take that, Dancing With the Stars!