Bear Brian

That’s so cute. You’ve put so much work into your hate. It’s adorable. Have a great day!

Your presumption on knowing me and my family is matched only by your condescension. Enjoy your anonymity, Trump troll.

And you’re an ignorant asshole who enjoys bullying other people via the anonymity of the internet. I’d love to see you say it to my face.

I told my mom about his taxes back in July, and her only response was, “Well, we’ll see if that’s true.” Guess what, Mom: It’s true!!!! Still hasn’t moved the needle.

My mom and my aunt. It really sucks. If he wins I honestly don’t know if I can ever look at either of them the same way again.

I’m starting to wonder if our parents and siblings are suffering from a Children of the Corn thing. There’s honestly no other reasonable explanation for such utter blindness.

What’s really sad is the considerable quantity of uneducated assholes who are not only perfectly fine but actually eager for an ignorant, misogynistic Neanderthal to take over as leader of the free world. It’s downright frightening.

You forgot the part where Trump left to go to tonight’s debate - and left his press pool behind without telling them. “Plans changed” is the excuse - yeah, the plans to not be stuck on a plane for two hours with reporters.

I would definitely show up for that. I’d throw a beehive.

Seriously cannot wait.

God, if I were Nancy O’Dell I’d be getting Billy Bush on the phone so fast. Because at the very beginning of the audio, it’s his dickbag voice saying, “She used to be pretty ...” I’d so want the moment of, “Say it to my face, asshole. Say it to my face.”

Billy eagerly embraced the role of pimp in that moment, seconds after hearing Drumpf talk about kissing her. NBC needs to fire him.

The pivot to the Clintons just made me want to throw something at the TV. What a GIANT DICKBAG. So insincere, so lacking in even an attempt at humility. I loathe him so completely.

It was Nancy O’Dell; Access Hollywood confirmed it. Two years later, he tried to fire her as a host of one of his pageants for being pregnant. Coincidence? I’m thinking no.

I still remember what I was wearing the day it happened to me, and that was 30 years ago. That’s how clear the memory is; can’t tell you what I wore a week ago, but the day an old man touched me inappropriately? Clear as a bell.

Billy Bush evidently deleted his Twitter account in advance of this, knowing it was on the horizon ...

Every single time I just want to step out of my apartment, walk to a street corner and shout at the very top of my lungs, “WHAT IS IT GOING TO TAKE?!?!”

A. He wasn’t the first choice. Kasich was. Everybody knows this. So, you know, another lie.

While on his knees, no doubt.

Wait a minute: Has Sarah Palin been out there stumping for Drumpf? This is the first I’ve heard from her since she sold out and endorsed him, for whatever that was worth.