Bear Brian

Cheryl has to be pissed. The further you go, the more money you make, for each partner, each season. Cheryl prob came back thinking she had a good partner, because physicality, and now she’s stuck with the flaky dumb guy.

I think producers assign the songs to each couple each week depending on theme. And yeah, the producers def did this one in a very winking way.


I’m a 14-16, and shopping lately is really pissing me off. I went into Ann Taylor, and the low-cut pants I liked were a little tight in 14, so I asked the salesperson if I could get a 16. “Oh, sorry, we don’t carry 16 in store, but we can order them for you online and have them shipped to your home for free!” Thanks,

I vote the latter. Not sorry. I loathe this douchebag at this point.

Thanks for confirming. I'm done here.

Do you honestly want to get into the semantics of it? Point being, it is high on his agenda. That is frightening enough.

This NYMag article lays it out pretty succinctly. In short, we cannot let Trump/Pence control SCOTUS. That’s imperative.

Pence has said, repeatedly, that his first act would be to repeal Roe v Wade. Aside from his bumbling running mate and the massive amount of problems showcased there, this should be all any woman needs to know, regardless of age. Because if not you, think of your daughter or granddaughter. It isn't a difficult thing

I was out all day for work. It was fucking hot outside. Anyone who says different is lying.

Clearly he needs to experience this for himself. Every man should, I firmly believe this, and then they would STFU.

When I used to complain to my ex that mammograms actually, you know, hurt, he would side-eye me and say I didn't know pain until I had been kicked in the balls. So I told him to imagine his penis being shoved between two pieces of plastic by an uncaring technician with cold hands, and then his dick was squeezed

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I could not love this more. Thank you, Deadspin, for making my night. Seriously. I've been depressed as fuck over this election the last couple of days, and this honestly makes me feel a little better knowing for certain that Trump and his spawn

Can someone promise Trump will experience the same amount of crap for pretty much every word that comes out of his mouth? No? Didn’t think so.

I was in an airport lounge in France with him once, he was part of the NBC crew coming back from covering Cannes. He was surrounded by guys, with one female in the group - roughly his same age, so not a fawning assistant type. But when he started bitching about how there was no hot breakfast in the lounge, guess which

I'm related to some of these people. Trust me, I know. It's infuriating.

Last figure I saw was that his companies and his stupid, stupid children have thus far made $7.7 million off the campaign. Think about that - but not for too long, because like me you probably would have an aneurysm thinking about how many teachers, for example, could be paid in one year with $7.7 million.

I get that it’s an excuse; just saying he won’t be able to use it as an excuse, so how hollow will the NEXT excuse sound? Because the Trumpites are actually buying that IRS bullshit.

But the IRS can’t get it together to finish Trump’s audit so he has no excuses left there, and the Trump University lawsuit won’t move forward until after the election? Yeah, that seems fair.

Here’s hoping they also look into her green card discrepancy. The schadenfreude of that alone will be delicious.