Bear Brian

I’m actually surprised that they’re pursuing legal action. Doesn’t doing so give the opposing legal team the right to dig into Melania’s past to prove the allegations are indeed true? That won’t be pretty for her or Trump.

As of 2014, we export $194 billion in goods to Mexico annually. What happens to profits for those businesses when Trump pisses off Mexico for once and all?

I know a guy who says it’s true because he dated her best friend at the time and often interacted with her. I realize that sounds super sketchy, but I believe him. Melania might not have taken cash every time, but according to my friend, she was “kept” in a nice lifestyle by three different men, two of them married,

This was the first and remains the best. Everyone else is a bad copy.

Ding ding ding we have a winner!!!

In New York this took place in the park near my apartment. Of course starting right when I wanted to take my dog for a walk there. The pervy guys outnumbered the topless women by a ratio of roughly 20 to 1. And more NYPD than I’ve ever seen at any other protest (located near the UN, this park is home to many, many

I have loved every second of The Night Of - and with a little less than half of the finale to go, I’m honestly not sure now! And Turturro should win an Emmy for this ...

Oh, Jesus, make it stop.

Curmudgeons of the world unite!

Befuddled is the nicest word I can muster, because my mother raised me to never speak ill of ladies whose brains have been scrambled due to pregnancy.

You’re officially old if you find every second of this red carpet utterly insufferable.

Can’t be Ivanka; has to be Donnie Jr or Eric “Lurch” Trump, because they’ve been instructed to call him “Mr. Trump” all the time.

I think I’ve just grown weary of the superhero genre. Can’t recall anything recent in which fanboys didn’t find many reasons to complain about story, casting, etc. Maybe Deadpool, but other than that I’ve passed on so many lately.

Or, here’s a thought: Find a new freaking story!

She is not wrong. #ImWithHer

Eastwood should have stuck with the empty chair. It had more integrity than Trump could ever envision, and its job is to support someone's ass.

The fact that he constantly lies about things that can be so easily fact-checked proves he is simply mentally unstable.

Donald Trump sounds like a bunch of nails swimming in canola oil, with Cheeto crumbs stirred in liberally.

Who WAS that?!

Two words: college intern.