Bear Brian

I listened to the judge read out the sentence on the BBC this morning. I felt like she was looking for reasons for a light sentence. Even the BBC remarked that her explanation was overly long. At one point she called him “a fallen hero.” I felt so bad for Reeva’s family having to sit in court and listen to all of it.

For some Brits vats of sunscreen wouldn't prevent a horrible burn. But I just can't get over that tank top. James Bond wouldn't be caught dead in that thing. Somewhere, Daniel Craig is laughing his ass off.

If it were anything but that godawful tank top, my answer would be, “Yeah, extra-pale British guys who turn bright pink after 15 minutes.” But that tank is just so, so wrong.

The mind reels. Virginia? Georgia? If it's something more obscure, like Loxahatchee, that would be amazing.

So a reverse Downton Abbey?

Thank you, Tom Hiddleston, for curing my crush on you by wearing that awful, ridiculous tank top. Right now I'm kinda hoping the Bond producers are thinking the same. Yikes.

Anybody seen Tom Hagen?


Since Dominick Dunne shuffled off this mortal coil, does Vanity Fair even run stories that criticize anything anymore? That’s an honest question, because I haven’t opened one in years. Also, given that Vanity Fair is a Conde Nast pub, any chance this was a company-wide decision? I can see Anna wielding her enormous

So much eyeroll over this. First, it’s not unheard-of for the magazine you write for to review your book (with disclosure that you’re employed there, and of course reviewed by someone else). But what, she expected to be able to write her own review or story? Is she nuts? Also, is there a chance that the book is just

So it's getting to the point that we can't go ONE FUCKING DAY without some batshit-crazy individual gunning down loved ones or strangers? I hope Paul Ryan and the whole lot of them burns In hell, sitting on their hands and cashing their checks from the NRA while this happens. This is ALL on them.

Big gall?

Because it's a chance to shit on Detroit?

Love this comment. Steeped in reality.

Not necessarily. Adele is a little boxed-in by what she likes to wear onstage. It's typically black, A-line, with sleeves. Nothing wrong with that, she knows what works for her. But that also means a designer doesn’t get to have a lot of say in her look, and that’s a turnoff for most of them as a result. You don’t see

Wait, I thought a 40 in women’s European sizing was like a 6 or 8; that is not an L or XL, except in some designer’s warped mind ...

Last night I came across Trump’s Playboy interview from 2004. You guys need to get permission to reprint that thing, either in whole or part. So many statements are so prescient, and almost every statement is beyond creepy and misogynistic. Work on that, please!

It’s just amazing to me that in a game when Cabrera hits a HR that’s key to his lifetime stats, the Tigers have a 7-run fifth inning and ultimately beat the Marlins, the “news” of the game is a well-hit ball by Stanton? OK, Deadspin.

People from all over the world have signed, it's been really nice to see. Bill was beloved by all. They've topped 3,100 signatures at this point.

Somewhere Trump is itching to tweet, “Terrible idea. Worst idea ever. Pageant was so much better when I ran it. Sad!”