Bear Brian

Hahaha, yeah, love the statement from the head guy: “We looked carefully ...” Yeah, you looked carefully to see whose check cleared.

No way Brady shows up. He might have made some bullshit comments on a radio show, but he won’t tarnish his golden-boy image any further.

Why no love for Miggy? Last week he hit a ball clear out of Comerica, by some estimates as long as 500 feet, and tonight hit a 3-run HR in the 5th, and in doing so is now the only active player to launch dingers against all 30 MLB clubs. And the TIgers won, btw.

Familial love means being able to answer the question, “You know, that place we went with the thing?”

Honest question: Why is the bus still there? It’s not like he was some national hero and the bus qualifies for landmark status. Haul the thing away, and problem solved.

Like we ever would have seen that check. He had to be hounded into giving the check to the veterans (would love someone to confirm whether or not that check actually went through), and then of course the media were the bad guys for making him do it. This shitbag knows no bounds of assholery.

Of COURSE Nic Cage named his kid Kal-El. Of freaking course. I'd divorce him for that right there.

You def can tell Chris Pine from the rest because he seriously has the most ginormous head in relation to the rest of his body. This is true of a lot of celebs, their heads are a little too big for their bodies, and that’s one of the reasons they’re very photogenic, but in Pine’s case, wowza. Have met him in person,

You realize that “Lena Dunham overshares” is like saying, “It’s Wednesday today,” right?

As someone related to evangelicals (don’t ask), trust me, Trump knows exactly what he’s doing. Their faith causes them to be almost literally deaf to any sense of reason or fact. Which very often just makes them blindingly stupid. So glad I got out. Also glad this is not a huge sector of the American population,

I have to think it’s more like she’s already seeing the hit her brand is taking. Her numbers are down. Also, another story reported that Lewandowski and her husband didn’t get along, so she had to do Jared’s dirty work for him with Daddy.

And BONUS: Lewandowski is such a weasel, he's going to start biting back from the outside now. It will be delicious to watch.

Not sure what I love more: the idea that Lewandowski said or did something that just completely disrespected her (because that’s got to be it, right?), or that the campaign is that knee-jerk reactive and can’t think about the long view.

She likely doesn’t respond because she’s been told every single request or question has to be run by Trump, and he just spits out “Ignore” over and over. There isn't enough money in the world to make me work for that guy.

It’s very telling that they didn’t do this at 6 pm on a Friday, not only as a Friday-afternoon news dump, but also in the style of how Corporate America quietly lets someone go.

So who on the Royals gets plunked today? Any bets?

Is there a list someplace of businesses that are actively supporting Trump? Because I’d like to get the boycotts and social-media campaigns going now.

Donald Shit the Bay?

Good for her. More of this, please. A lot more.

His returns are going to reveal that he pays zero in taxes. Zero. Do not believe any other theory as to why he won't release them.