Bear Brian

And even though he is “allegedly” worth $10 billion, he won’t kick in the other $400k to make the $6 million total - because he’s so giving already when it comes to charity, of course.

Yep, was posted a couple of days ago.

Hey, that was how my ex used to take out the garbage! Maybe we were married to the same guy ...

Even money on her being on the Today Show sometime this week. Which means she won't be regretting it anytime soon.

Totally want to read this now, thank you!

Yeah, sorry, but regardless of your stress level, you let your mother know you’re OK if you have an even halfway-decent relationship with her. What that poor woman must have been going through thinking about her daughter’s fate far outweighs an act of pure selfishness. And the way this is written - threw her hair up

So much this. When I’ve been pulled aside “for a random screening,” my hands sometimes give off a false positive, the agents say because certain hand lotions cause the machine to do that. Sorry, what? That makes me feel super confident about them catching something that should cause concern.

This place has been around forever. This story screams press trip.

You know Trump would want those funds for “women’s health issues” to be earmarked for boob jobs. Because Trump.

Right now every Gawker writer is changing his or her email to some iteration of ...

Can we throw any shade Blake Lively’s way about why she's been at Cannes while Ryan has been dealing with traumatic dad stuff?

Sorry you’re upset about that, but I feel pretty comfortable thinking neither Kirstie, Trump nor any Trump supporters care even an iota about my views or feelings, so I’m good.


Kirstie Alley’s tweets also reveal her to be a Trump supporter. So zero sympathy there.

The facial expressions are spot-on. A combination of over it and constipated.

Red carpet has become such an obnoxious shitshow. I could not love this more.

Wow, way to be pro-Jezebel, where women are supported unless it’s a moment that makes you guffaw.

Can we invest any thought into the idea that there was some shade behind that slap? After Archie Panjabi leaving, the show going downhill and then the Kings leaving, is there any chance the slap was built into the show as a final little eff you to Margulies? I'm in agreement with Maureen Ryan that the whole

Melania was a minor-league model at best before she hooked up with Trump. The marriage was a business transaction, and both sides got what they wanted.

Evidently she’s now got some endorsement deal with Budget Rentals, bc I often rent from them for work, and now she's showing up in my emails from them. I honestly want to email them and ask why. I know girlfriend needs a job, but how on earth are you supposed to be compelled to rent from Budget because Jessica Simpson