Bear Brian

Well said.

I honestly didn’t take it that way from the OP at all. I took that comment to be more about who she’s married to vs Matthews. Yeah, Matthews is an antiquated pig, but the man she married is hardly better. And it’s tough to throw feminist support to a woman who doesn’t exactly carry the feminist banner - and honestly,

Hahaha, love the pivot. Your Trump game is still a little weak, though.

Michelle Obama has been a SPECTACULAR First Lady and an inspiration to women of all ages, distinguished herself in her own career before she took the position, and has never treated the position with anything other than honor, dignity and possibility. Melania Trump doesn’t deserve to even occupy the same air.

And why shouldn't we be talking about First Lady cred? Isn't she applying for the job? Or is it that her husband didn't consult her before he applied for the job and then dragged her along?

Hey, Trump trolls are here! Who would have thought you could find your way on your own! Congrats!

I’d like to contradict PhiBeta here, but if you go to Melania’s site, it’s not exactly teeming with philanthropic causes. It’s all about her beauty and jewelry collections. Which she likely wouldn’t have if she weren’t Donald Trump’s wife. Her First Lady creds don’t leap off the page.

Meh, not sure I believe that. She and Keren Craig, her design partner, were living in London and started Marchesa, and to hear Chapman tell it, they got a big order fairly early on and were able to fill it and things took off from there. I do believe the underground theory that certain actresses just know to where it

Interesting. I support the Chapman/Weinstein theory. Exhibit A, from the post:

The better question is, “Who wouldn’t want to have an affair with Gyllenhaal?” And the answer of course is NOBODY.

I worked for a company that had such stringent rules about maternity leave, you weren’t even allowed to email the person to ask a question during her leave. However, when I went to the hospital to have fibroid tumors removed, my boss emailed me directly after my surgery and asked me to do something. When I replied and

His smile reeks of immature douche.

My mom spoils my second cousins, aka the children of my cousins. Which of course makes me think they all blame me for not giving my mom a grandchild. Family is awesome!

Yep, so much this. I love to travel and take off on my own all the time. Likely friends with kids think of it as a hollow life, but hey, who cares, I'm having fun!

I very often describe such experiences - at a friend’s home, on an airplane, in a restaurant - and basically just the best form of birth control EVER.

I don't think my mom is cool with it, but at this point is resigned to it. This is truly, truly the only aspect that makes me feel bad about not having kids, because I know she would have loved to have had grandkids, and would have been an awesome, giving grandmother. Then again, I'm an only child, so they really were

Without question Gisele Bundchen takes the prize for douchiest element of this whole circus.

Hasn't she been doing this long enough now that she should be better at taking the high road? I'll admit, I'm not a fan, so take that into consideration. Some celebs who are worshipped by the press really seem to start to believe their own special-snowflake status, and I would definitely lump Schumer into that

I thought he had just sort of disappeared, and honestly no one in the industry cared. And now unfortunately we have to pay attention to those tacky clothes. Thanks, Katy.

Can we agree that pretty much everything Jeremy Scott designs is downright fugly? I can't believe he went from the very edge of obscurity to being popular again. No one needs clothes that look like they'd only look good on comic-book characters. #SorryNotSorry