Bear Brian

I just spit my drink out in a public place, and I don't care. Thank you.

My eyes!!! MY EYES!!!!

Lol, can’t tell you how many times I’ve ended an explanation with, “if that makes sense,” like maybe I think I might not be making sense, even though inwardly I know I make total sense and I'm hoping the other person is smart enough to catch on.

Actually, no, two totally separate buildings. GMA airs out of a studio in Times Square, while Live is in another ABC studio on the Upper West Side near Lincoln Center.

Sometimes you're happy to pull up a chair and grab the popcorn and watch the hot mess. This is not one of those times, especially if she's now going to pull this every single fucking day. I'll find something else to watch, thanks.

I have a feeling that if someone decided to make a comedy about the lengths to which Rock Hudson concealed his condition in the latter part of his life, commenters here would be losing their minds.

Regardless of who the subject is, creating a “dark comedy” out of a condition that afflicts more than five million people in the US is in grossly poor taste. Anyone who either has lost a family member to Alzheimer’s or dementia, or who is in the midst of the terrible struggles related to care, would and should find

My darling dad suffers from dementia, and I honestly still, after several years of watching his decline, cannot talk about his condition out loud without crying. He is now very childlike, and I live for those moments when the dad I know breaks through for just a second. But Patti Davis is spot-on about seeing the fear

Michelle Obama has kicked ass as First Lady - this is just fact. Can you imagine what this Botoxed droid is going to do? If you are thinking, “Absolutely nothing,” you are probably right.

Let the spouse-hunting in Ireland begin ...

Thank you! I don’t know why, either! And I agree - the whole thing reeks of her just wanting him gone now.

Can we blame the Kardashians for this? Because I feel like we could blame the Kardashians for this.

Uodate: Variety reports Strahan’s last day is now May 13th:

Robin is great, but man does Lara Spencer get on my nerves. Once they put her on the desk, that's when a lot of the inane stuff really kicked in.

They all belong to unions, so they'll be fine also.

Yep, Variety already reported that Strahan will take off earlier than September, basically be paid to have the summer off, while replacements start sitting in the chair. They also always take off a big summer break, so look for it to happen very soon.

Yeah, the way these shows work, don’t know about more work for her. They’re going to trot out the same guys she paired up with the last time - Anderson, Josh Groban, NPH - and maybe a few new ones. She’s been doing the banter long enough that much won’t change for her. It’s the behind-the-scenes people, bookers and

The noise on GMA, coupled with the constant stories about Kate Middleton and Amal Clooney, just became too much. I felt like I was losing IQ points watching GMA every morning, and the constant talking-over-each-other just became exhausting. I need to ease into my morning and listen to something smart. Much happier

Sorry, but that sustained standing O for Kelly when they first came out, with the camera solely on her as she accepted the waves of love from the audience, come ON. She is not back from cancer treatment. Her bosses did a semi-dick move and she threw a temper tantrum. Anyone who thinks a semi-diva TV host who pulls in

We lost every game against the fucking Indians over the weekend. In Detroit! What the ever-loving fuck. Why Ausmus didn't get fired Sunday night, I do not know.