Bear Brian

+1 Awesome Tiger Fan Reference

True fact. Mr. Ilitch will not be cool with flipping off the fans. At all.

Can I just say I'm a little mad at her for dropping it so soon after Prince died? Talk about stealing thunder. I needed just a couple more days to process and mourn.

Wait, Lemonade is a “creative tour de force”? This has been decided? Because honestly I thought it a little boring.

Yeah, I know. I’m one of those people who prefers to own a car rather than lease. I just want to buy the damn songs. Sorry if my age is showing.

If that’s true then how did I just spend $30 on Prince songs on iTunes? Only thing I couldn’t find that I wanted was 3121 ...

The entire premise of this post - everyone is a Beyoncé fan, and therefore you must bow down and sign up for Tidal - scores a solid no. Also because I just listened to the samples of everything from Lemonade on iTunes. Please try again.

When he kisses Wendy near the end of the Purple Rain performance, yep, now I'm actually crying. Crap.

But ... but ... Tay-Tay hasn't written any songs about Jay.

And he hits Apollonia after she says she wants to join Morris Day’s group! Gah, this movie is way too 1984.

I had forgotten about him putting the cassette tape in after the fight with Wendy and Lisa; I’m like, Wait, Wendy and Lisa wrote Purple Rain? What the hell is this movie?

It's also a lot more misogynist than I remember. That girl getting thrown into the dumpster after yelling at Morris Day, damn.

The only white girl that’s been rumored to be with him is some cheap-looking blonde named Casey Cohen, who worked at 1OAK before trying to parlay some reality-TV success.

I had assumed maybe Rihanna was Becky - Rihanna = Rebecca = Becky. Because weren’t there rumors there also?

You forgot to build in a half hour before each appointment for his chronic lateness.

She should have been told first, and privately. They act like personal friends on the show, and she has said stuff like she loves him like a brother, though maybe that’s just for show. And maybe he didn’t give her that courtesy because he knew what her reaction would be. But the way it was done was uncool.

That wig is easily the worst part of what looks like just a god-awful two hours at the movies.

Is it me or is she also working a Sienna Miller vibe?

Given all the rumors, you can’t help but side-eye the kid’s name.

This is a cover story for a sex sprain, right? Because honestly that makes more sense.