Bear Brian

He’s in the middle of filming Guardians of the Galaxy 2, I’m pretty sure that’s the reason for his hair and mustache.

The police report says they exchanged words before Hayes produced the gun. So Hayes knew he wasn't shooting the former cop involved in his suit.

I’m not saying he thought Smith was the former cop; it’s just way too coincidental that Smith had dinner with this guy the same night. Maybe Hayes thought Smith was another former cop. Who knows without getting into a lot of conjecture. But no way is this solely a traffic altercation, I'm thinking.

So the same night, Smith has dinner with a former police captain who was a defendant in a lawsuit stemming from the death of Hayes’s father. (The out-of-court settlement of that suit, one must assume, paid for the Hummer - but did it satisfy any sense of justice in Hayes’s mind?) Immediately you have to wonder if the

Given that he has dated so many VS models (I so had to resist the urge to put “dated” in quotes oh look I did it anyway), can you imagine how uncomfortable some of those shoots have gotten? Or backstage at the show? Also, how does he get set up with these ladies? You know he isn't meeting them at Starbucks or in the

Regardless of the actual numbers, more than twice the woman’s age/less than half the man’s age is always just yuck.

Read between the lines of the interview, and it’s easy to spot control issues, especially when she’s like, “You CAN’T ...” or “You’d BETTER ...” If I were the director of course I'd want accuracy, but at the same time it's like, who's running this show?

It’s just so weird because for certain period films the costumes go from film to film all the time. I know this bc I waste way too much time reading the trivia section of IMDb when I’m watching a movie. And if you watch, say, Pride & Prejudice with Keira Knightley, they expressly say there that certain dresses or hats

So not even for extras, the costumes from Dangerous Liaisons or Sofia Coppola’s Marie Antoinette weren’t available for rental? As much as I want to watch this season mainly for the clothes, I am casting a skeptical eye at “nothing was available.”

I’d go a step further than this, bc I do agree that it’s unfair to ask someone who doesn’t live in New York about the subway - though he shouldn’t have made his experience sound otherwise, that was too easy to trip up. But I’d love to ask any one of them how much their last heating bill was, or what their co-pay is

Excellent use of shade in the inclusion of the word “bizarrely” by the Times ...

Thank you. Cannot stand her. The only thing she excels at is grating on your nerves.

I’d be down for Alec Baldwin as Big only if he were young Alec Baldwin; current Alec would be a tad too creepy as Carrie’s soulmate.

Why wasn’t this story shouted from the hilltops in the days leading up to the Michigan primary?!?

I’m not a kid person. Just not. So take it for what it is when I say that I had a co-worker who used to bring her 4-year-old into the office quite a bit, and I just fucking hated it. Kid would run around, turn up at people’s desks asking questions, and she’d also parade the kid around to “visit” people. Because

This thread is a fantastic form of birth control, thank you! Slept late, soon headed out for day drinking with friends. Enjoy your Sunday!

Her book can’t just be called Martha Stewart Weddings, can it? Shouldn’t it be Vol. LCLXVVIIII by now?

Lanvin actually showed the collection on Thursday, just FYI.

That $2,700 jacket looks like something you’d buy in a Wal-Mart in Daytona Beach, FL, and mainly bc you didn’t pack the right clothes for Spring Break and it got chilly one night and you don’t want to invest a lot of money in a jacket you’ll never wear again so you figure OK, I’ll be funny and ironic.

Gotta admit, I didn’t have high hopes for this - so many reasons: not a Wiig fan, remakes never work, etc - but it looks funny. Sign me up.