Bear Brian

I thought we had decided this was temporary for a film. Is it permanent? Did I miss a memo?

I work with someone who wanted to send a gift to the owner of a company who also is a celebrity. Having no idea how to get in touch with this person, I called the main number for their office and explained what I wanted to do, and that I needed some additional info before sending the gift (mainly a couple of personal

Accommodate. Please fix.

Which is which?

Actually, the fact that Trump owns (probably really just manages) a hotel on the Strip doesn’t have anothing to do with his mystifying popularity in Nevada. His employees hate him because he treats them poorly and refuses to negotiate with them. The Trump Hotel, meanwhile, is far from successful. Anytime I’ve been

Yeah, it's not all his fault, but again, as I pointed out elsewhere here, I don't think he's mature enough to have the presence of mind to do that. He needs another 10 years to hopefully turn into a stand-up guy who's really ready to be part of an adult relationship. Hopefully the reality-TV cycle doesn't ruin him

More than anything he seems very immature to me. And also to that: Anytime any family member asked him last night what he loved about their daughter/sister/whatever, he always brought it back to himself, how that particular woman made HIM feel. Nothing about their personal qualities or something specific about their

I will admit to being massively cynical, so fold that into the following: If you think there’s even the smallest possibility that you don’t want an instant family, send the women with the kids home earlier than hometown dates. Because those kids don’t need someone reading bedtime stories to them who then just

Anybody who would fire a dog is an asshole.

Even if she's a part of his management team, I would be shocked if they wrote anything down with respect to their communications on this matter. Cosby may be sleazy but he isn't stupid.

Do we honestly think anything revelatory is going to come out of this? I am envisioning a transcript that is essentially an unending grocery list of, “I refuse to answer based on spousal privilege.”

Now that you've pointed it out, I can't un-see it. Kudos.

Do we know they don't get paid for performing at the Grammys? It's not like it's a charity event - and let's face it, performers get paid at plenty of those. Just strikes me as odd, also because with a band, etc, a lot of expenses are incurred to be there.

You should not be buried in the grays.

Why exactly is Taylor insufferable here? She threw well-deserved shade at an utter asshole who more than once now has inserted himself unnecessarily into her life and her success. In her position I think I might burst into flames from the anger. She took the high road.

So just a lesser degree of sleazy, then ...

So Idris pulled a Crudup?

Thank you!

Because it doesn't exist and never will, though that info isn't germane to the story, I guess. Makes for good clicks, though!

This post mystifies me, mainly in its contention that this project is even remotely still viable. Even the most cursory research indicates a) Palmer is having financial problems, and 2) multiple sources list it as stalled or delayed (the latter being code for “never gonna happen”).