Bear Brian

And PS, do we REALLY think this is going to conserve time among, you know, a bunch of ego-centric actors? Might it not become an idea of the secondary list of people running in the ticker tape, coupled with the “really important” people you want to or feel compelled to thank in your speech? Just saying. #SillyIdea

Totally get that, but still going to reserve judgment for Feb 28th. Want to see what Cate Blanchett looks like in her haute-couture Givenchy and Chopard diamonds with a ticker tape beneath her that looks like the traffic and weather report.

Sounds a little tacky, sorry. And the best speeches are always the ones that are really heartfelt and don't include a grocery list of people known only to the recipient.

Money doesn’t buy class. Or taste. Or intelligence. Or logical reasoning. Or compassion.

Actually I thought the book on Belichick was that one of the reasons he's almost universally hated outside of Pats Nation is bc he's a surly shit in his pressers.

Does Burneko know you guys did this? And did you wash your hands before starting? That’s the question dominating my brain while watching you fumble through this ...

I was in Switzerland recently for work, and in the morning one of the few English-speaking channels was his stupid morning show, Good Morning Britain (yes, that’s the ridiculously trite title). After a couple of days I had to stop watching it, because it became clear very quickly that he’s basically being paid to goad

Thank you, that's really appreciated. It really is just the worst, also because he is so healthy in every other way.

My dad has Alzheimer’s, which sucks beyond belief. He also played football in high school. The thing I keep wondering is whether he actually suffers from CTE. It would be great to know if they are working toward a test on those still with us, rather than the only test possible being post-mortem.

OK, enough already. You want to apply this ridiculous scoring system to goddamn puppies?! Fuck you all, I am drawing the line; you CANNOT have the puppies.

The mind reels over what she might wear. She's already done meat, but what about a giant, flapping flag made entire of meat?!? It blows in the wind as she sings. I'm telling you, it could work.

I'd agree with that, but weren't those live telecasts of existing theatre productions, vs these one-offs?

If you’re not certain you can even come close to matching or surpassing the original, why do it? This was like watching a pretty good community-college version of the movie, and only served to make me want to watch the DVD of the original. At what point did producers realize they hadn't captured lightning in a bottle?

She also thanked Vicki - and Bob Mackie! Camera cut to him in the audience, which was nice.

Congratulations! Way to create a dumb, click-baity story out of an actual, horrible problem.

Richardson’s trademark blown-out lighting is extremely flattering on skintones; it’s also very easy because it's entirely without nuance. He's a hack and a sick fuck who just happens to make women look really good in photos, but there is zero actual talent involved.

Celebrities most often have approval of the photographer shooting them. I sat next to a bookings editor for years and had to listen to the constant back-and-forth she had to do between publicists and photo reps about approvals. So yeah, this is on Rita and her team. Female celebs like Rita, Miley et al need to say no

I would rather stick needles in my eyes than put any money in that woman's pocket. Seriously.

A CBS camera caught a shot of Manning on the sideline, and curiously enough, he seemed to be singing:

Did you turn and glare between the seats? I tried that once with this guy, with zero effect.