Bear Brian

You mean, as opposed to the actual bear who wrote this?

You can’t give it two thumbs up or down, because you don’t have thumbs.

Seriously, IMG rarely sends their name girls to a set without a handler; where was this person?

I used to work for a group of magazines in which the husband of the owner fancies himself a photographer. Which he is, if you can call someone a photographer if their best skill is taking a photo that’s in focus. Anyway, he assigns himself all the cover shoots so he can hang around celebs all the time. The wife bought

Where the hell is Burneko when you need him?!?

Paris. Jesus, it’s like this fucking quiz KNOWS me.

If the comments are overwhelmingly negative thus far, then I'm kind of loving how this has backfired on Rolling Stone, because you know this cover was designed to pander to all the under-16 girls who would scream, probably cry, and then buy it. It will still likely be their best-selling cover of the year.

I once sent Jimmy MacNichol a necklace I lovingly made for him. What can I say, it was the ‘70s.

The thing I don’t get is why the suit is against the show and not the publisher of the book. If the show negotiated with the publisher for the rights in good faith, why are they at fault? I know the knee-jerk answer is probably, “because they have the deepest pockets,” but seriously, how does this have a chance of

A friend and I showed up at 9 am at AMC Kips Bay Friday morning to get decent seats for the 11:30 am showing, for which we of course had bought advance tickets the night they went on sale. We were exactly #’s 20 and 21 in line, so we thought, sweet, decent seats.

It’s not my crazy lie, but how about when my super religious cousin announced in the middle of the Museum of Natural Science, in front of her two kids, that we couldn’t check out the Darwin area because “we don’t believe in evolution”?

Not unlike most of what you write here about various shows, I had to stop reading this halfway down because it was increasingly clear that none of the “opinions” about the shows were about the writing falling off or some other actual reason vs just being too lazy to commit to the time. Yikes.

And not for nothing, saying that the Streisand/Kristofferson version is the most famous really kind of screams, “I’m really young and know nothing about film.”

Now playing

The original 1954 film starred Judy Garland though the 1976 campy remake, starring Barbara Streisand and Kris Kristofferson, is likely the most famous iteration of the story.

You had me until roughly the third sentence.

I don't know why, but I totally picture her saying this with a Russian accent.

Does the time we had our company holiday party at the Russian Tea Room count? You know, when they put bottles of vodka at every table, and it was my dumb idea to start doing shots, and the night ended with me making out with a married guy on the dance floor while everyone watched, while another guy fell into the

You must be really hurting for money to have to stick through that job. Hope something better comes along soon. Even scrubbing toilets sounds preferable.

Good gosh I hope this tanks him quickly. What an idiotic, tone-deaf response. How many people watching this screamed at their TVs, “Because bombs are already ILLEGAL, asshole!!”

Or maybe I've just watched too much soccer.