Bear Brian

Love all these stories about people getting screwed bc they flew through Canada. Papa Bear and I had a similar incident flying through Toronto from Europe earlier this year, but we did have time to find our bags, stow the hooch and recheck the luggage. And miraculously, nothing had been stolen when our bags arrived at

Nope, no. Just no. It’s Hamm’s year. It's a cumulative Emmy, fine, but Don Draper is absolutely deserving of a trophy.

Serious question: Was HTGAWM a bona fide hit? It did well in the ratings? I tried to get into it, but it was so freaking talky, and some of those students so annoying, I could not stick with it ...

I know Dombrowski was dumping Price and Cespedes on his way out the door, but damn if it still doesn’t hurt to hear about the latter’s amazing, and amazingly consistent, play in his relatively brief time as a Met.

Surely someone can create a jewelry line based on Evolution of Man?

I’ve honestly never thought of myself as an active atheist; definitely for a long time have considered myself agnostic, with many, many questions. But damn if these people don’t push me over the edge into acceptance that the concept of embracing a God is utter and complete bullshit. And that’s not even counting the

Note the cross earrings she wore to court, seen in the video in the linked article. What point do we have to reach to realize most religion-cloaking is utter hypocrisy and bullshit? She’s really no better than Josh Duggar - oh, yeah, he didn’t get any jailtime, either. Keep your God, you asshole hypocrite freaks. He’s

If you find and verify Belichick in there, I will never stop laughing.

Too soon.

“It was definitely posed to me as … call it a think piece, if you want.”

You can also write this as “Does anyone who lives in or near Miami have anything nice to say about him,” and surely the answer will remain, “Hell, no.”

Gosh, somebody already beat me to “Is he as big an asshole as he seems?” so how about: Does he ever discuss why he couldn't cut it in the NFL?

To quote Ileana Douglas in To Die For: “It’s round. And gold!” Eyeroll.

Did Ausiello or you or fans or readers honestly think the Kings were going to say, Oh, yeah, Julianna is an utter diva bitch and banished Archie and can’t be professional enough to film their final scene together? Why would they upset their golden goose, especially when she clearly has the ability to hold a grudge?

That show she was on with John Varvatos and Nicole Ritchie - Fashion Star? - certainly revealed she had a mind for the business. When she spoke it was very clear she knew what sold and how to sell it; little wonder she’s been successful. If there’s snark here, not sure it’s necessary.

I'm starting this mainly because you made me visualize Denton in a g-string ...

It’s official: Teens have absolutely ZERO idea what “style icon” means.

There's no reason on earth this shouldn't have more stars.

If this shoe doesn't have its own Twitter account already, I'm going to be sorely disappointed ...

HR depts have to be stocked with people who possess zero soul or sense of remorse. My last corporate job (consultant now), the HR person was an utter dolt with zero people or management skills. Just a hollow vessel to do the hire-fire bidding of the higher-ups.