Bear Brian

As a fan of The Portrait of Dorian Gray, this makes all the sense in the world.

So fucking ridiculous. You really should have stayed in school. Enjoy your parents’ basement.

Actually that sounds like standard language for a police report.

What a ridiculous and insulting parallel. 9/11 victims were at work, doing their jobs when they were murdered, not in the midst of committing a criminal act. Try again.

“Ben is super friendly and sometimes that is misconstrued.”


I read the headline, looked at the photo, and thought, Ben Affleck left Jen Garner for Fran Drescher?!?!

Brady says he “didn’t turn [the phone] over on the advice of his lawyers, and that he wasn’t informed that failing to turn over his phone could be used against him. If he had been informed that was the case, he says he would’ve gone against the advice of counsel and turned over the phone.”

I find it incredibly ironic that you accuse this script of being heavy-handed, and yet you can’t write with enough nuance to not give away a major plot point. I’ve read four other reviews of this movie - LA Times, NY Times, NPR and Boston Globe - and they all managed to avoid it. Oh, wait, I forgot, this is Gawker

I couldn't hate more than I have to star this. Dammit. Have to.

Clearly you didn't have to wait long. Marlins fans are among the most bandwagon in baseball. Nothing hot about that take.

Why, yes, one and the same!

Yeah, get back to me a year or so after Team Becks takes the field, and let's regroup on that ...

Hahahahahahahaha. Did Beckham even bother going to a Marlins game to see for himself how quickly Miami “fans” don’t care about going to those games? Soccer is really going to be that different? Yeah, yeah, yeah, all the South Americans and other Hispanic cultures in Miami will embrace it - tell that to Martin Prado,

You speak for many. I knew this would be the hot take right out of the chute.

I despise Goodell also and therefore have no problem finding this plausible, except for the total revocation part. I think it goes down to two games. But if ESPN and Goodell were somewhat in bed (gah, what a sickening image) over KO’s departure, I wouldn’t be surprised by that or the timing of the Brady announcement.

Disney CEO Bob Iger: “Only if you promise to watch it.”

Yep. Cannot watch PTI or Around the Horn. They're both just so much NOISE.

Why not mention that ESPN wants to get rid of the Times Square studios and can save $40 million by doing so, asked KO to do his show from Bristol or LA, and he refused? THR reported this. I love KO and really, really hate Goodell, but balance your reporting.

And the LK Bennett dress she is wearing here is already sold out everywhere. Which sucks, because I wanted it.