Bear Brian

I also hope the baseball fan in you recognizes that a Royals-dominant team isn’t a true ASG, and a lot of fans won’t watch as a result. Maybe I’m a bitter Tigers fan, fine, but I also know I wouldn’t feel good if (in a better year) it was mainly a bunch of Tigers on the field at the ASG, bc it honestly takes away from

Don't forget Torii Hunter, who wanted one more season with the Tigers, was cut loose, and is now having one of the best seasons of his career with the Twins.

My glass-half-full is thrilled he doesn’t have to participate in the ridiculousness of the ASG, and has four days right there as part of his recovery that won't impact actual games. Let Hosmer have first base, and watch the ASG have the lowest ratings in years.

The Royals fan in you should maybe look a little closer at Cabrera. He slimmed down for the season, among the reasons he’s been hitting so well.

Anyone have any intel on whether Joyce stiffed the server(s) after being told to STFU? And/or was the tip automatically added because it was a large party? Hope it was at least the latter.

The number of bridges in OlbermannLand continues to shrink. MLB Network, maybe? The guy never seems happier than when he’s talking baseball.

I get it. And honestly, everyone would indeed benefit from just simply being kinder to each other and recognizing that we’re all just fine and trying to live our lives.

Eh, I don't know. When someone tells me they don't like dogs (unless they qualify it by relating some childhood trauma), and especially if they say it's because they just don't have the time or interest in taking care of one, I'm pretty much going to immediately assume that person is kind of an asshole.

“Disgusting parasitic bradyzoites.”

*bar* attached ... (Kinja!!!!)

I feel bad for older people who need some leverage and balance to get up. That said, if they’re sitting behind me, yeah, I’m annoyed, also bc hair can be pulled when someone grabs the top of your seat. Would be nice if there was a bad attached to the seatback tray that could help them and not disturb you ...

Try taking a 7 am flight out of Vegas. The worst, hygiene-wise, also bc half of them are still drunk from the night before ...

The only thing I'll say to this is the thing that drives me bonkers is when an airline packs like three flights onto one belt, and then one - or even zero! - flights on the adjacent belt. Who is the rocket scientist who did that planning?

Yes, but are your feet bare after the shoes come off? I will take off my shoes but always wear socks, typically thick ones, always clean, of course, and they went on my feet moments before leaving the house for the airport (and sometimes I add plane socks over them). Bare feet on a plane or going through TSA, though?

I don’t disagree with that and, unless I have a quick connection, don’t mind waiting. However, what I’ve found is that once I’ve got my stuff and ready to step out in the aisle, people won’t stop and let me into the aisle, they just keep shoving ahead until the one kind soul in about 10 stops and does the “after you”

Yessssss!!! Have you ever been standing there, and a woman is standing in front of you, blocking you, and then you see her boarding pass says like 37F, but she’s going to try to board with First Class anyway. Not because she’s older or needs extra time, which of course should be respected, but because she’s just

I agree with you, also bc I am always in window seats, and it sucks to have to climb over the aisle person who has already settled in. If I can get onboard, get the stuff I want with me out of my carry-on and then get the carry-on stowed above (it’s not big and always fits), this will take maybe 60 seconds, and the

Yep, this; fellow Delta Platinum here. The people who seem to complain most are casual travelers, because if you fly frequently, you already (and should) know the ins and outs of picking the right seat, plus at 65k miles (or more, since you said that was during eight months) per year, chances are you’re upgrading to

Is it safe to be pedantic here? Because I got ripped a new one over at Gawker for trying to point out a rather egregious error in a headline.

Wow. Just wow.